Title: Winter
Author: Jen
Pairing: Ariokamoto (Daiki x Keito)
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: G
Summary: Daiki notices that Keito is cold and wants to share his scarf with him.
rae_yna)~!!! Have an awesome birthday!
First time writing this pairing and number 53. Winter from the prompt table.
Comments are appreciated~!
Daiki waddled like a penguin when he left his house. His mom had forced him to wear layer after layer to the point where he couldn’t really move since it was snowing outside. It wasn’t as if he could protest either.
As he walked to the Jimusho, the chubby cheeked boy spotted a familiar figure heading the same direction. “Keito!” he exclaimed, as Daiki went up to him.
Keito smiled and nodded. “Hello Dai-chan...” he greeted in a soft, wavering voice. That was when Daiki noticed Keito rubbing his hands together, teeth clattering, and body shivering a bit.
“Are you cold, Keito?” Daiki asked, feeling concerned.
Keito shook his head. “I’m fine.” Then they both continued their way to the Jimusho.
Daiki frowned, knowing Keito’s personality all too well. The younger boy didn’t like others worrying about him. He was the type to think of others before himself. Daiki sighed and looked down, seeing his long red scarf dangling to his knees. “Hmm...” Maybe he could...
The BEST member went a bit closer to Keito and unwrapped his red scarf, throwing one end over Keito’s left shoulder. Unfortunately, he missed. Darn his bad aim. The accessory hit Keito’s left side, startling the boy.
Keito looked at him, raising an eyebrow. “What were you doing?”
Daiki pursed his lips. “Sharing my scarf with you.”
“There’s no need to do tha-”
“Yes, because you’re cold. I’m older so do as I say,” Daiki interrupted, furrowing his eyebrows. When he saw Keito making no protests, he successfully whipped the scarf over. Daiki noticed that Keito’s cheeks were pink, too. Without warning, he reached over and palmed Keito’s cheek. Surprisingly, they were hot.
Keito moved away, his face growing red. “Don’t do that,” he murmured.
“Don’t tell me you have a fever,” Daiki said, taking Keito’s hands into his. “Ah, so cold~” He blew hot breath into them, rubbing them. “Feeling warmer?” He raised his head to see Keito biting his bottom lip, nodding.
“I don’t have a fever,” Keito finally commented. “You’re just... making me nervous and... shy,” he admitted, his bangs falling over his eyes.
“Eh? I am?” Daiki tilted his head to the side. “How so?” Then everything started registering in his head. Keito’s cute reactions, his cheek burning and turning red, and the hands that he was holding.
He grinned, intertwining their fingers and feeling Keito tense up a bit. “Don’t worry. I like you, too,” he confessed, watching Keito’s eyes widen.
“How... when... what...?” Keito asked, seemingly confused.
Daiki smiled cutely. “Look, we’re here already,” he announced, pulling him inside. Daiki could imagine Keito, in a way, freaking out over what had just happened.
And before opening the door to the HSJ rehearsal room, he pressed his lips against Keito’s cheek, causing the latter to blush.