Title: Natural Sexiness (4/10)
Author: Jen
Pairing: TakaYama (Takaki x Yamada) & hinted pairings? xP
Genre: Fluff/Romance, Humor, AU
Rating: PG
Summary: As an attempt to escape from rabid fangirls, pop-sensation idol, Yamada Ryosuke, unexpectedly meets Takaki Yuya, a regular college student, in awkward circumstances...
Notes: Here ish the
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Lol, Takaki forget that he still look like he was screwing somebody when he went to class? XDDD And ho ho, I see the YabuNoo you did there :DDDDD
i did not spend yesterday refreshing ur LJ to see whether you updated your fic, no i didn't D:
Yuuup~! He must've forgot after seeing Yama-chan sleeping on his bed cutely xDD *whistles* What are you talking about? xdDD
O____________O;;; YOU DID?! WHATS?!
nah, don't worry about it. I do refresh the hey say fic comm just about almost every minute at times *i haz a very, very unhealthy reliance on fics DDD:* and last week, i remembered your fic in the weekends and started refreshing ahahahahahaah *gets shot*
Oh okay. xDDD *sighs in relief* EHHH?! O___O;;; I sorta do, too! But I'm so biased now so it's hard for meh! xDDD I post on Sundays in the afternoon or nighttime. I live in California so Pacific time in USA xPPP Does that help? xD
biased for takayama? XD There hasn't been a lot of good fics around lately, unfortunately, so it's uh hard too but I just gotta read fics otherwise I'll be bored to death :((((( Ohhh, thank you! We're in really different timezones :P I sorta got a sense of what time you'll update with your last week's update ahahahaha :XXXXXXX
OMFG! HOW DID YOU KNOW?! XDD Ehh? There aren't? OwO Aww.. you don't have anything else to do? xDDD I bet we are! xPPP I was debating whether to update earlier or later today... and I went for later. ROFL. xD But it ish already posted as you can see.. xP
LOLLL I see :O Yup you updated yay :D
Anyway, do you mind if I add you as a friend? :D:D:D?
Yuush! xDD
I don't mind at all! xDD I would love to have you as meh friend! :3
♥♥♥ YAYYYY :DDDDD Added back!~
Yayneeess! New friend! :3
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