
Aug 15, 2010 22:42

Working on the Koifish's tattoo. It's a pretty cool idea--part one is the last stanza from Poe's "The Raven" with (surprisingly) an image of a raven--this will be flying up and towards him on his arm ( i think the left arm) because the raven stays there to torment the speaker of the poem--so it is flying towards my koifish's heart to roost. On the right arm is a stanza from an albanian poem he's liked since he was a kid about a swallow and an image of a swallow--this poem is about yearning to go home and the swallow will be facing away from him (almost like it was perched on his arm and flying away towards home). Unfortunately, I have found I cannot draw birds. I am surrounded by papers with sketches of wings and different attempts at drawing swallows and ravens--and it's not gonna be that cute looking, chubby kinda swallow that a lot of girls and emo bands have--I'm just not sure if he wants it realistic or what--and I can't make it too detailed because it's a tattoo and he may not want that. He's giving me a lot of freedom on this and I suck at projects.

I want a tattoo. One I may definitely have but I just can't come up with the image or find it anywhere is either a girl with a gun pointed at whoever is looking at the tattoo or a robotic girl-ish thing with cross-hairs for eyes staring down the looker of the tattoo. It'll be on the back of my right shoulder, like a heat-packing guardian angel (I WAS raised Catholic, after all XP) because, due to certain things that have happened in the duration of my life that involves much douche baggery on the part of a lot of people who need a bullet between the eyes like you need air to breathe, I am always going to be on-guard. So yeah. I thought that would be cool.

My other one that I may have...I am not sure if I will actually get this...I'm leaning towards yes though.

The Majin symbol from DBZ. Y'know. The "M" that gets stamped on the possessed's forehead...(possesseee? Is that a word?)

Now now, I did think this through and consulted several people about it. I've had a certain obsession with the letter "m" all my life. I like m&m's, I've written "MM" on countless notebooks, our wooden fence, walls, carved it into my skin because of a high school crush. I married someone with the initals "MM". In the construction of the letter "M", there is an "A" and a "V"--the "V" being my former last name. And the way the Majin symbol is, with its curvy tails, the lines from it can spell out my entire first name and my middle initial.

The very meaning of "Majin" is supposed to be like "evil" or "demon". It's source is the word "djinn" ( i think that's how it's spelled), which is like a spirit, can be an evil spirit. And the idea of Majin in DBZ is bringing out someone's evil side and letting it take over. And that's been a recurring daydream--just one day going insane--that's like the ultimate freedom. No cares, no responsibilities, no restrictions. It is also strictly a fantasy and not one to be pursued.

Plus, the tattoo itself is very simple and yet it has so much meaning to me.

It's no definite yet. DBZ is an obsession and I tend to regret obsessions once they burn up. But this is not purely because of DBZ and that I love Majin-Vegeta psychotic, demented tendencies. There's other stuff in there, too.

And, NO, it will NOT be on my forehead...though I am guilty of walking around with the symbol there written in eye-liner when I was younger -_-;;

Decisions, decisions. Oh well, back to practicing shading feathers.
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