Today's been a rather productive day. I tidied up the living room, took a lot of my stuff back upstairs, brushed then hoovered the floor, and now it's looking a lot better. Like, we seem to have acquired all this magical floor space out of nowhere. Hopefully we can keep it that way.
I cooked myself the most awesome tea afterwards; Thai red curry with peppers, a basa fillet and rice. The basa was gorgeous, but as everything was almost ready I realised I'd forgotten one crucial thing.
I hadn't put the rice on, had I?
The best thing about it was I actually made enough for two people, so the rest has been stashed away in a tupperware container so I can have the same tomorrow. Lovely.
Speaking of tomorrow, I'll be going swimming. It's been a wee while since I last went, what with my temporary job and its funny hours (and NaNoWriMo before that), but I need a good workout since I'm unemployed now and my lifestyle is much more sedentary.
As for today, I still have four hours left... so I might go upstairs, tidy my room up a bit and then write. It would be nice to sort through my clothes to be honest; all the stuff I wear the most is in a gigantic suitcase outside because there's no hanging space for it. I think I'll empty my wardrobe, then empty the suitcase, and hang up all the stuff I usually wear.
I need to get into my novel again, though. I haven't written consistently since the end of NaNo 2012 and I can't just let it fizzle out again. If I did, what will all the hard work and suffering during November even be for?
Ooh, one last thing. I finally found both pairs of my missing headphones when I was tidying up today. Guess where they were? They'd both fallen down between the couch and this little stand where all our games consoles etc are, and they were hiding under this mound of stuff that I'd kinda let pile up. Um... oops!