I did the dumbest thing ever, today. Or, should I say, two days ago? Remember how Laura and I arranged to go out today? Well, we did. Then, as we ambled along Peasley Cross road, I realised I'd done something very stupid. I was expected by Sian for a game of Snap at the Oak Tree Pub in Newton, at 3PM.
Sian naturally got very, very annoyed at me, but I balanced it up. I hadn't seen Laura, my best friend of ten years, in two or three months. Choosing between her and pub snap with a bunch of friends I'd seen only five days ago wasn't difficult... at the risk of sounding horrible. Consequently I felt like a pillock all day.
Despite all that, the day was good. I bought a gorgeous notepad in The Works - A5 with a floral-patterned cover in silk - and had a bit of a chinwag with a young girl who'd stepped up just to ask what the time was. We discussed the oddness of such encounters, the awesomeness of charity shops and the brilliance of individuality. I hope that lass never changes! To strike up such conversation with a stranger - particularly an adolescent, famously my most hated age group - really restores my faith in humanity. In fact, that's what the people were like in County Down, during my holiday to Ireland!
Laura's learning Japanese again, and she's actually managed to stick with one of her stories! Today we talked like we always do; it seems like no length of separation can damage our friendship, and that's a rare thing to have with somebody. Our interests, ambitions and sense of humour are both startlingly alike. The only major difference is our tastes in clothing and music - our basic culture - but even then, that's okay. Great, even; our differences make us interesting. She's a fantastic person through and through.
I probably wrote ages ago about laura's German Shepherd, Boudi (short for Boudicea). Well, she's huge now, and she still has growing to do! We're doomed! As a pup, she was solid tan with a black muzzle but now she's got the typical black on her back, flecked with tan hairs, and she's got a bit of rich sable around the black markings. She's gorgeous, and also stark staring mad!
When I came in to use the loo, she went crazy. She was running up and down the stairs, barking, ears down, tail between her legs. It was when I sat down on the couch with Laura and her Mum that she calmed - my sitting down said to her that I was friendly and welcome to the house, and so she mellowed. Soon enough, she was coming over to me for a fuss! She's still a puppy in her own head - eight in dog years, as Laura put it - so she still bounces around, despite her size, and even chases her tail! She's a fantastic pooch, friendly, energetic and beautiful. Seeing her today made me want a German Shepherd even more!
I didn't write an entry yesterday, but guess what I did in a moment of boredom, yesterday evening? I used up the last of my yellow paint and did some more of my walls! It's looking loads better, now; one more wall complete, and there's only about a quarter of the room left to do, around my bed. I've ran out of paint, so I'll have to buy some more before I can decorate any further.
With my books still in the brothers' room (I've been too busy to move them back), my desk has never been clearer. I have so much space without all the books on there! This has made me realise something; If I bought some storage boxes, I could keep all my art materials in them, under my bed. Right now, they're piled up at the bottom of my bed, by the wall. With this space freed, I could have a tall bookshelf; one that could accommodate all of my books. Then, I could have my desk space, and to counteract the plain-ness of my empty wall (my desk feels weirdly vacant without all the books), I could stick up pictures and drawings and maybe a poster or two. That way, I wouldn't be looking at plain yellow all the time.
It's finally started raining! Thankfully I'm in and out of the weather.
Ooh! Did I mention that Laura and I got shouted at by pillocks again, today? I recall mentioning it on an entry before. Well, it did happen, anyway. In fact, it happened twice! The first was on the way to town, by the traffic lights outside the hospital. A bunch of cars were stopped at the lights and some bloke started howling (singing?) from his car. The second incident was on the way back, along Peasley Cross Road, near all the industrial places. Three men in a van drove past and one shouted "hello, ladies!" as they did so.
This is the fourth time we've been shouted at, and all four times it's happened on this road. Weirdly enough, though, it never happens on any other road, nor does it happen when we're anywhere on our own. It's always when it's the two of us together, on that road. Hmmm...
There goes the rain again. The smell of vegetation is really strong in my room. It's rather nice. I adore the smell of the rain.
Tomorrow, while I'm not too busy, I'm going to sort out postcards for people. If they want to send me one, a message to multiple recipients on LiveJournal should suffice.
The time is now 11: 03PM, so I think I'll get off to bed. I've just heard a couple of girls outside discussing having an all-nighter... no thanks. Sleep deprivation doesn't make you cool. It makes you clumsy, moody and tired.
First, however, I need a drink. I'm gonna start taking a bottle of water to bed with me from now on.