I swear, everytime I update it seems I post a picture. This is the bassist for Jared's band 30 seconds to Mars. I LOOOVE them! <3 His name is Matt and I'm sparing you the larger version for once.
Let's see. Life...nothing is happening. My sister is pissed because she left my nephew with me for a few days. To those who don't know, when you breast feed, *gasp* no period!! She didn't pump her breasts in the mean time and lo and behold, her period STARTED tonight! Aww! She planned on holding out on it for as long as she could, but I think being period free for 8 months is enough, while her baby sister suffers debilatating cramps every month. Why is she complaining? She doesn't even GET cramps!!! Psh!
I have some prenatal vitamins that the Ob/gyn place I part timmed at gave me. What? I'm not pregnant! It's good for your hair and skin!! They make hair grow and skin nice and clear. I don't have problems with either, but hey! I'll take the boost and I need vitamins anyway.
Um...yeah, I think that's it. I told you. Nothing is happening.