JL Langely is my hero

Jul 08, 2010 18:35

I got The Broken H yesterday and finished it today. WOOT! I'm proud of myself. Thats the first thing that I've really been able to read, and finish (this is the key word here people) in months. I've been dying to get back into the reading scene but haven't found anything of interest until now.

JL Langely has turned me into a big pile of happy lovey dovey goo. Shane and Gray just made me melt. I just love it when Gray calls Gray: "Chief" or "Old Man." That always made me LOL. He calls him "Old Man" because he has a good age gap between them, well not really. Only ten. So, Gray is 20 something while Shane is 40 something. Those two prove that age doesn't matter. Then Shane goes around and calls Gray: "Little shit!" Talk about pet names. Thats showing some love boys! HA!

I was smiling, laughing, crying as I read The Broken H. All though, I did had to curse Shane several times when he was he was being a stubborn ass. Grr. Its okay now though. I love him again. :)

I have two favorite scenes in the book so spoiler warning I guess but meh. My describition of it won't compare to Langely's awesomeoness thats for sure. I love it when Gray and Shane were fighting near the end of the book and Gray had stormed out and Shane was doing that whole self pity thing and that Gray deserved so much more better than him. (This is the part where I cursed Shane out for being a dumbass.) He was a dumbass because he didn't go after Gray. Then you learned that Gray had come back and snuck in and slept on the sofa. When Shane found him it just made me go: "Aww," and there I forgave him and the make up sex was an a very, and I mean very good read.

My second favorite part was when Shane revealed his past to Gray. I'm totally not going to spoil THAT for you. Thats too important to give away. However, what I like was Gray's reaction by the time he was through. God, Gray is fucking awesome! He's my favorite. I love Shane, I do, but dammit Grayson FTW! (I wonder if Shane will be nice and share him... Oh, wait, I'm a straight women... Well, dammit! I'm sure we can work out something! LOL!)

I think I might have read ahead though. I think I should've read The Tin Star first because in The Broken H they mentioned that so... Oh well, its okay. I can go back. I'm going to get that book next. Actually, I'm thinking of just getting all her books.

The best part is I can afford these books. They're not over the top prices! They're only ten bucks! TEN FUCKING BUCKS! OH HELL YEAH! Tehehe.

I really hope that we see more of Shane and Gray in the future. (That would be a hint there Mrs. Langely! LOL! :) My fanfiction author mind has all ready come up with some idea. I have this really awesome idea where they take in a preteen girl who is getting abused by her father (and no its not skank Sherry Ann either. That bitch!) who will end up adopting her by the end of the story (and yes, with her permission). Then when Shane gets sick (just something small, nothing major, like the flu or something) and Gray and all his awesomeness is going to take care of him (rather he wants to or not). You know, I might make that a sequel and have the girl help take care of him too. Yeah yeah!

I'm going to email Mrs. Langely first though just to make sure its okay if I can borrow her characters for fanfiction. If she says no, then thats okay. I'll be a good fan and just respect her wishes. I just really hope so because this one idea is just bugging the holy shit out me.

Oh, and I also have one where they slow dance together. I'm such a sucker for those.

jl langely shane and gray male/male

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