27JaredJensen this is for you! TADA!

Jun 30, 2010 19:47

A/N: Okay 27, here you go... At long freaking last your fic! I hope you don't mind but I decided to put my original character Frankie in here because I like her with Dean. She's good for him. He just doesn't know it yet. Tehehehe.

Dean Winchester Does Get Sick
By: chibikameai (LOSTrocker on FF.N)

This sucks, really really sucks.

Dean Winchester can handle this cold: all the sneezing, and snot that comes along with it. He guesses by the end of it that he'll get a sore throat too because he can kind of feel it coming on. He knows he can pull through like a trooper because Dean Winchester can not get sick.

"Dean, what are you doing?" Sammy asks him as he comes out of the bathroom to find his brother getting out of bed when he's suppose to stay in it.

"It's called a date little brother." Dean teases him. "Remember that?"

Sam crosses his arms. He doesn't think it's funny. Sure, he knows what a date is. Its just he hasn't been on one in awhile because his luck in girls stinks. Of course, thats not why he doesn't find it laughable. Its the mere fact that Dean is getting ready for the date when he's sick. "You're sick Dean."

"Nah, I'm all betta." Dean tries, but a small sniffle comes along and blows his cover. Dammit.

"Uh-huh," Sam says, and he goes over and pushes him back down on the bed.

"Gettin' a little frisky there Sammy?" Dean continues with a laugh. Which isn't the best idea because then comes the string of coughs. Its the worst part of a cold. Once one cough slips out, why does it seem to take five minutes for the damn things to stop?

Sam smirks and says with a pointed finger. "Thats what you get for picking me."

"Hey, I'm yer big brother, its my right dammit."

"Well, I'm your baby brother, and its my right to take care of you."

"No, no," Dean shakes his head. "It's the other way 'round."

"Dean." Sam pleads with him and locks his gaze with those puppy dog eyes of his.

"Dude," Dean replies. The puppy dog eyes always win. Dean swears he could drown in the concern thats show in them. He groans and gives into their power. "Fine, there ya happy?" Dean asks him as he gets his ass under the cover.

"Very." Sam declares. Dean isn't. Sam sighs. "Look, I know you had a date planned and all but the world isn't going to end because you skip out on one. Besides, you'll just get her sick."

"Thats the whole freakin' point Sam!" Dean insists.

"Uh?" Sammy doesn't quite follow.

Dean sighs. Really, does he have to explain everything? Then again, he figures he does considering that Sammy didn't lose his virginity till college. "We can take care of each other." Dean explains with a suggestive tone in his voice, and all Sam could see is Dean playing doctor while his girl plays nurse. Sam tries to get those interesting images out of his head.

"Sorry to disappoint your fantasy there," Sam apologizes. "I found the receipt, called her, and let her know that you were sick."

Dean's eyes lit up. "Great! Is she comin' over to nurse me back to health?"

"No," Sam answers and there goes the light. "She did say she hoped you feel better though."

"Well, isn't that nice?" Dean asks sarcastically with an eye roll.

"I do, however, have a back up plan." Sam makes known with a smile.

Dean doesn't like that smile. There is something in that just says: I'm gonna put ya in an early grave.

Then there's a knock at the door. At first, Dean thinks it could be Bobby and he can't help but smile at that idea. He loves it when Bobby take care of him. He imagines when he does, thats how a father is suppose to take care of his illing son. All hope is lost at a sound of a very familiar, femine voice.

"Sam, hey, open up. It's me."

Dean glares at Sammy. "Frankie?"

Sam goes to the door so he doesn't have to answer, and lets their friend in. "How are you doing Sam?" she asks. Bobby informed her that he was the one who was originally sick.

"I'm okay. Thanks." he says. He shows her Dean. "He has it now."

"Whoa. You look like shit." Frankie tells him, and the scary thing: he does. The weakness in his eyes all but gives him away, not to mention the bags that hang from them. She also has to admit that he looks paler than normal.

"Always a pleasure to see you too Frank." he greets her with an eye roll.

Frankie just smirks at him and holds up the bag to Sam. "I think I got everything."

Sammy goes into his wallet to pull out some cash for her. He figures he owes her. They were hunters, money didn't come by as easily as it did with a 9 to 5 job. "What are you doing Sam Winchester?" Frankie demands of him.

"Paying you back." he answers. "How much did all of that cost?"

Frankie shakes her head. "No way. Don't even think about it."


"It's fine Sam." she assures him. "I've got this all taken care of." Frankie looks back at Dean. "Has he eaten yet?"

"No." That was Sam's answer.

"Yes." That would be Dean's.

Frankie runs a frustrated hand through her long dark hair. "Deano, I hate to break it to you but alcohol isn't one of the food groups." She sees the whiskey bottle on his night stand. Frankie looks back at Sammy. "What about you? Have you eaten?"

"I'm fine." he lies.

"I take that as a no." Frankie knows better. "Okay, Sam, why don't you go and get us something to eat?" she suggests. "Here," Frankie starts to dig for her wallet.

Its Sam's turn to aruge. "No way,"

"Dude, just take the freaking money." she insists. "You would do the same for me."

Sam smiles. He can't argue there. "In a heart beat."

On his bed, Dean can feel his stomach turning. "Get a room." he tells them with a kick of his foot.

Frankie laughs. "We're in a room all ready."

"Get 'nother one then."

She shakes her head. "Just get something light for him, soup or something."

"I want pie." Dean says.

"Dean, you can't have pie. You're sick." Frankie reminds him.

"I want pie." Now, he's starting to sound like a three year old.

Frankie gives a sympathic look towards Sam. "You had to grow up with this?"

"All my life." he admits. "Good luck." he tells her before he makes a dash out of the door.

"DON'T FORGET THE PIE!" Dean yells after him, and he's coughing again. Yelling is not a good idea here. He doubles over onto his side.

"You should really prop yourself up." Frankie tells him. "Thats only going to make it hurt worse."

Dean digs his head into the mattress and flips her off. "Nice, real nice." she says. If he wanted to do this the hard way, then he could. Then again, so could she.

Frankie storms her way over to his bed, pushes him over a little bit so she could get to his pillows. She stacks the few that he in a pile. Fluffs them before she gets him to sit up right again. "There, better."

"Nyar," Dean answers.

She laughs. "I'll take that as a maybe. Hopefully, a yes." Frankie goes to fish around in the bag she brought in. "Lets see what we have here. Tissues," she lists the things she has as she pulls them out. "Medicine," Frankie doesn't just pull out a few bottles, but a lot.

"What did ya get the whole damn store?"

"Well, I wasn't sure what you had. Sam didn't feel me in on the details, just said you were sick. I improvised."

Dean tried to hide the small that was prying on his lips. She got points for that. He doesn't have to wonder where she got that from. She learned from the best.

"Then there's this wonderful stuff." Frankie holds up a small round blue bowl. Dean knows whats in it and he sticks his nose up. He can't remember the name of it but it's that shit that you rub on your chest so the vapor can get into your system through your nose. It stinks, burns, and its sticky as all get out. "We'll wait until after you eat and ready to rest up."

Dean goes to reply but a sneeze comes out instead. "Here," Frankie hands him a tissue.

Dean blows, but its not a good one. Its not enough to get all that snot out of him and he's full of it. "Why don't you blow again?" Frankie asks him and hands him more tissue. "We got to get that gunk out of you."

"I did blow."

"Then blow again."

"Don wanna!"

"Jesus, Dean!"

"Do we have to bring Jesus into this?"

"Don't make me blow your nose for you!" Frankie warns him and goes to cover his nose with a tissue.

That seems to do the trick because before she can aruge otherwise, he's blowing his nose again by himself. "There's a big boy." Frankie teases him in her mother voice which he figures she learned from Sammy. She goes to pat him on the forehead and she finds that he's very very warm, too warm for her liking. She rests her hand there.

Dean can't help but close his eyes at her soft touch. He's use to male hands on him in situations like these and as much as he hates to admit it. He likes it. Its soothing.

Frankie sees this and she lets a smile slip. The only manner of touching they do is by playful smacks or slaps if he's really done something stupid. Its nice to finally touch him to see what he actually feels like. Its moments like these where she is reminded that she is a girl. Her smile fades though as she removes her hand. "You're hot."

Dean opens his eyes and smirks. "Ya think?"

Frankie glares at him. "You idjit. You know what I mean." She would've nudged him for that if he wasn't sick. She was so kicking his ass when he got better. She figures she deserves a few freebies here. "I don't want to give you anything until you've had something in your stomach..." She eyes the bathroom with a grin. "Hold on, be right back. Don't move."

Dean watches her as she disappears into the bathroom then comes a few minutes later with a cool washrag. She folds it up and puts it on Dean's warm forehead. Frankie can feel him shiver. Its from the coolness of the towel.

Dean goes to kick off the blankets. Frankie holds them up on him. He thought he was cold. It only lasted him a second before he was back to burning up. He goes to kick off the blankets. Frankie stops him.

"They will help you sweat this fever out." Frankie reminds him.

"I'm hot." Dean hates to bitch and moan because at the moment he feels like Sammy. When Sam sick he brings out the best of the bitchness.

"I know," she says.

"Then you finally admit it?" Dean questions her.

Frankie feels herself getting flushed. Dammit. Why did Dean have to have this effect on her? She couldn't even tell when it began. The last time she checked they were just friends, in a weird screwed up kind of way, but still friends non the less.

Dean laughs. He sees Frankie go red. "Yer blushin'!"

"Yeah right, the day I blush." she quoted from one of her favorite movies: Some Kind of Wonderful. "It's probably because you're getting me sick or something." she tries.

Before Dean can tease her anymore those coughs start up again. He groans in protest. They cause his throat to go raw. Yup, a sore throat is coming on strong.

"Okay, okay," Frankie gets a little panicky here. She inches closer to him so she can get to his back and rub it. "Easy there Dean, you shouldn't push yourself even with teasing right now." Frankie makes known. "I'll tell you what though, when you're all better you can poke fun at me all you want."

"Promise?" Dean asks in his lap.

"Yeah," she will learn to regret that later she's sure. Most of the medicine she has is strong, it will make him KOed, but he's not ready for that. There is nothing in his system and she doesn't want to make it worse. Then she spots the cough drops. Those wouldn't be such a bad idea. "Try one of these, come on." she hands one over to him.

Dean sits back up, unwraps it and pops into his mouth. Its grape flavor and it sooths his throat. "Grape is awesome."

Frankie will take that as a thank you. "Don't talk with it. The last thing we need is for you to choke." Not that she would mind giving him CPR. Lip to lip, there was a very nice thought.

Dean sucks on it. As he does so, he looks at Frankie. She has not moved from his side since Sammy left and he would find her still there when he came back.

"Good. You two are still alive." Sam said. He feared that one of them would be dead by now.

"Barely," Dean kidded.

Sam shoves some soup his way along with a clear soda. It would be better for his system even though Dean hates it. They make sure he takes some sips and bites before they start on their own helping. Frankie notices that he got them the same thing.

"Figures it wouldn't hurt. Besides, soup sounded good." Sam confesses as he enjoys his own helping of chicken noddle. He got Dean tomotoe and rice and just got Frankie some broth.

Dean can only take a small amount before giving it back to his brother. "No more." he says.

Frankie looks at it. Dean had taken a few big gulps. The bowl was almost empty. "It's better than nothing." she says. "Now, we try some medicine." Frankie goes for the NyQuil.

"Aw, c'mon!" Dean puts up his hand.

"It will help you sleep." she insists.

"It's gross man!" he doesn't have to remind her of that small detail.

Sam laughs and pats Frankie on the shoulder. “I'm going to let you handle this one. I think I'll go to the library to see if I can't find out anything.” Sam goes to leave and Dean pleads him not to go. “She'll take care of you Dean. Plus, we both can't afford to take a sick day here.”

Dean leans his head back because Sam is right. Sammy is always right. “Call me if you think you might need anything.” Sam offers.

“Will do Sam.” Frankie promises.

Sam bids them a goodbye. He doesn't have to worry about his brother. He knows that Dean is in good hands.

“Take the medicine.”


They got into it as soon as Sam took his leave. In the meantime, she had gotten it ready in the small cap.



That would be a mistake on his part. If he thought that would push her buttons, it worked. “I said open up.” without a warning to him she grabbed hold of his nipple and pressed down on it - hard.

Dean let out a cry of pain. She snuck that medicine in quick. “Sonabitch!” he cursed at her. “That hurt like a mother!”

“Then next time listen to me!”

“I thought ya were suppose to make me feel better! Not kill me!”

“You could help me here! It's not like you're helping me you know!” She shakes her head. “I know this isn't your thing Dean, you're not the one that is use to being taken care of. You're too busy taking care of everyone else...” she trails off to check that fever of his. She smiles when she finds that he's not as hot as before. If they're lucky, this is just one of those 24 hour bugs. Frankie brings her hand down to the side of his cheek so she can get him to look at her. She can feel the stubble as she rubs her thumb gently along his jawline.“Let someone else take care of you for a change, all right.”

Dean leans his head more into her hand, his way of saying sorry because God forbid that Dean Winchester actually say it out loud. She accepts. “Now, I'm going to get that vapor stuff and rub it on you okay. That way you can breath better.”

Frankie gets the blue bowl and opens it up so she can lather her hands all into it. The more the better. Then, she takes a breath. She is about to touch where she has never touched before - his bare chest. This would prove to be very interesting.

“Cold.” Dean gasps once at impact.

“Sorry,” she apologizes as she continues to rub it just below his chin. She lets her hand drift lower to where the nipple she hurt rests, and Frankie can feel Dean's heartbeat. Its fast.

Dean body reacts, much against his own will. “Don't do that Frankie,” he warns her. Its not that he doesn't like the feelings that are starting to rouse up inside him, its just that this is Frankie. Its not some one night stand chick that he'd picked up somewhere. She would be here in the morning. Dean places his hand over hers to make her to do. He looks up at her and their eyes lock. Hazel ones meeting brown ones, both searching for something they've been looking for that might have been in front of them the whole time.

By this point, the NyQuil is swimming in his system, it's making him dizzy, light headed and he can't help it if he's leaning into Frankie. Frankie doesn't have anything to blame but the feelings she's been holding inside of her for the past couple of months. She gives into them as she draws closer and their lips meet.

Its small, settle at first. Dean is careful. He knows this is uncharted territory but not unwanted as Frankie proves by opening her mouth to let his tongue slip in deepening the kiss. At this point, Frankie's heart is racing just as quickly as Dean's is.

It hits Dean that he wants her, and that scares him enough to pull away from her like he was burnt. “Dean?” Frankie questions worriedly through panted breaths.

“I don't want to get you sick.” Thats the best he can come up with for the moment.

She laughs at him. “It's too late now, don't you think?” Frankie goes back to leaning into him.

“Frankie...” he pleas with her because if they start up again he's not so sure he would be able to stop.

Frankie hangs her head. “I just want to take care of you Dean, thats all.”

“Ya are.” he assures her as he gets his hazel eyes on her to draw her up so they can meet. “This is enough for me.”

Frankie gives him a small smile. It might be for him, but not for her. However, this is Dean. She doesn't want to lose him. Him and Sammy is all she has. Still, she just wants to enjoy this moment for what its worth. “All right, scoot over.”


“Make room.” she says and waves him aside.

Dean does so. Frankie gets comfortable beside him and wraps her arms around him, pulling him close. “Is this okay?”

Dean smiles down at her. “Yeah,” It is because this is what he wants. It's what he's always wanted, maybe not with Frankie, up until now anyway, but to have her beside him like this. Its cool.

“Get some rest Dean,” she instructs.

Dean doesn't have to be told twice. The NyQuil kicks his butt and his eyes close. Frankie stays up to make sure he's good and resting. However, she doesn't last very long either. She falls asleep in his arms.

When Sammy comes back he smiles at what he walks in on. He knew his brother would be in good hands, and maybe vice versa it seemed.

The next morning, Dean is the first to wake up. He takes a breath in and finds that he can actually breath. He feels a lot better than he did yesterday. Dean goes to pull himself up. He knows he has a day to make up for. Then he feels someone next to him. He almost forgot. Frankie is sleeping soundly beside him. He smiles down at her.

In the next bed, Sam can sense that his brother is up. So, he sits up as well. “Morning Dean, how are you feeling?” he asks his brother softly so not to disturb Frankie.

“Much better.” he answers with a smile.

“I guess it wasn't that bad then uh?” Sam asks him with a smirk. “I told you if you gave her a change, she would grow on you.”

Frankie did more than grow on him. He sneaks out of bed so he can get first dips on the shower. By the time he comes out, Frankie is up and putting on her jacket. “Well, it looks like my job is done here.” she states with a smile. “You're all better.” She says to Dean.


“Let me hear you sniff.”

Dean does so. Its clear. She nods in approval. Then she feels his forehead. It's back to normal. “Okay guys, you know where I'll be if you need me.” Frankie makes known as she hides out the door. She'll be back at Bobby's, helping him out. She's barely out the door when a sneeze escapes her.

“Hold it young lady,” Sam says and pulls her back in. “Where did that come from?”

“Sam, you know my allergies act up this early.”

Sam looks at Dean. Dean feels a tiny bit guilty here. That sneeze isn't from allergies. Its from him. “Just in case, you better lay low here for a day or two.”

“I'm fine.” Frankie assures him. She sneezes again.

“You were sayin'?” Dean asks her as he crosses his arms.

Frankie sighs. It's no good to argue with Dean. The truth in the matter is, she doesn't mind this time. Sam was all ready on the phone with Bobby telling him about Frankie's condition. He wonders how she got sick so sudden. Sam can't help but wonder the same thing.

Dean and Frankie exchange knowing glances. Its because Dean Winchester does get sick because he's too busy taken care of others... Or, thats what they like to tell themselves to make them feel better so they could avoid ever bringing up what happened last night any time soon.

FIN (maybe, I smell a sequel not to far along)

supernatural fanfictions sick!dean ofc

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