Once again, I am stalking the foreign language lab on campus. I'm planning to read a little of The Corrections for class in a minute but I felt like updating. A half hour ago, I suddenly felt really hot and then extremely cold. I'm in my jacket and my hands are still freezing. I had them each tucked into the opposite sleeve of the navy blue cottony goodness that is my sweater, in Spanish. I know I looked silly but I was COLD! I'm also a little dizzy. I don't know what this is, but it's new and it's annoying. *tries to wards off evil spirits by offering cookies* Grrr. The migraines have dulled to occasional throbbing annoyances so I suppose that is good.
I have five books on order from Amazon.com that will arrive sometime in the next three weeks, that is, if they don't push back release dates again. -_- I don't know why I have them on order. I shouldn't. I don't have time to read them.
In other news, it looks like I may have to close the store on Friday and open on Saturday. *stabs co-workers* I hate closing at 12:30 and having to be there again at 9 AM. It's annoying. It cuts out any hope of me doing anything that night and it....it's....it's just annoying, okay? a-n-n-o-y-i-n-g.
Also, did anyone read my poem I posted
here? I didn't have any comments and I was really hoping for some feedback or criticism. It's a rather weird poem and I wanted to know if the metaphors were working or hurting the piece. XD
Oh, by the way, the word of the day is annoying. Use it in your posts as many times as possible. Variations are encouraged. >_>
*huggles Ryuichi icon*