Title: The kiss [Drabble]
chibika Pairings: Reita x Ruki (slight Uruha x Reita, Uruha x Aoi and Ruki x ?)
Bands: Gazette (and slight X)
Genre: Romance, angst
Disclaimer: I got them in my closet for gay ppl Do not own
Ratings: pg-13 (For kissing and implied sex)
Warnings: MalexMale, Crying Reita, angry Ruki
Summary; It was only a kiss. Forgive me.
Comment: This is an forgive me-fic kinda to my beloved girlfriend. Yes, it's based on a true experience. I must say that I don't know what to do really.... C n C <3
"Why did you do it Reita!?" you cried out in the dark bedroom. I looked up at you through the curtains of tears and parted my lips to say something, my before steady voice came out shaky "I-I don't know, I'm sorry" I swallowed and hugged my knees harder and let more tears fall.
Why did I do it? Uruha was my best friend right? And he was in love with someone else. I guess it first had been because we missed each other so much and it was just a small peck really. But when Aoi tagged along our other friends, we were constantly hugging and kissing. When we finally got into the huge Arena were we were going to see X, we stood together on the balcony and didn't let go of each other. I know that if you had been there, I wouldn't have done anything to Uruha. You would have been the one to recieve my kisses. I was so happy by then, my best friend was there and X was there, so I kissed him, I felt his plush lips against mine when we kissed each other, I tried to just peck back, but well, I got caught up. I know I know, I'm the worst boyfriend ever, but I love you. The kiss between me and Uruha means nothing compared to what you make me feel.
Oh God, I'm so bad at excuses, I understand that you will never thrust me again, if I done it once, I mean, why couldn't I do it again? The reason is, I now know it was so wrong, I talked to Uruha about it and he too feel bad, he's really down because of it.
I looked up at you "Ruki.." I sulked and tried to stand up "I know you can't trust me, but please just listen to this, he's my best friend, almost like a brother, I love him of course. But there's no way that he can make my blood thump and heart ache like you can. During the time that we had our pause from each other, and you dated that guy, the guy who took your virginity, maybe we wasn't together by then, and perhaps you didn't love me there. I know for sure that I loved you, even though I was seeing someone else that time." I sobbed again and took a step closer to you "It made me feel as you were cheating on me, I know you wasn't, but still it hurts me very much. Even though you regret it, it pains me that I'll never be first by touching you, by holding you, by kissing you, by loving you the way only a lover can." tears ran freely down my cheek but I couldn't care less "You regret that, you told me so anyway. But if you can't trust me, why should I trust you? You could just use me for getting over him, because you know that I love you more then anyone else. Maybe it's just my mind playing games on me. But really, if you can't trust me, why did I trust you? Because, I love you too much to see your faults, I don't care that you've done mistakes, you're so beautiful" my voice was nearly a whisper when I saw your big brown eyes staring at me "I'm sorry, but I love you" and you hugged me.
A/N: I hope the fic is okay m(_ _)m I'm sorry baby.