(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 21:57

Title: Smile (eh...lack of creativity Author: chibijuan 
Word count: 200
Pairing: Taeyeon x Tiffany
Genre: Angst
Author's Notes: response to drabble challenge at snsd_fics

Faint noises. Gradually becoming louder. Where am I? Everything’s so white…White. Just like that smile. Oh, that smile. What have I done to deserve this divine punishment? Isn’t already loving that person a fine penalization? But no, throw in a smile. And what do you get? A love that moves your heart to the very depths of heaven. Or hell in my case.
 I can hear some voices now…invading my empty self...
“How is she?! TELL ME! IS SHE OK?”
Where am I again? I can’t see a thing…The voices are getting even more boisterous. No echoes…just the piercing sound of voices. Coming from nowhere and disappearing in the same way. I catch one sentence in its journey around this empty place.
“Damn it! How’d this happen?! Wake up please!”
Now I can hear some sobs too. Why are you crying? I don’t see the reason for your tears…Now the white is clearing away. The voices also narrow. And then, I finally see.
You, crying, your face filled with despair. How could I not know. How could I not see? How could I let you cry…I open my eyes.
“I…love you…”
Your teary smile is the last thing I see.

c: smile, author: chibijuan

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