The stupid people of the world.

Oct 02, 2003 10:36

I went to the doctor yesterday. He said I had bronchitis and an ear infection. Goody. u_u;; Well, he gives me 3 medicines. I haven't taken the third one yet. The two I have taken though make me feel like shit. Well, yesterday when I woke up from my nap it felt as though I had the wind knocked out of me, so my mom called the doctor and they told me to go to the hospital for a chest x-ray. Did that. I don't have pneumonia. Thank goodness. Well it comes time for me to take my medicine. Oh god..did it ever screw me up. It made me feel dizzy and sick, not to mention helluva moody. I was crying last night I felt so terrible. I go to bed early. Wake up this morning and I now have voice..completely gone. I drank some tea and that restored it a little, now it's gone again. Hopefully I'll have it back by the time Mike gets home because he said he wanted to call. u_u; My parents are worried about me and they call the doctor again and ask to speak with him about my medicines he perscribed to me. Well the receptionist is a total bitch and told my dad she wasn't allowed to tell him when the doctor came in and she had to give the doctor a message. That ticked my dad off a little bit. He calls back about an hour later asking if he could speak ot the other doctor that was there. The same bitch answers and tells him in a really snotty way that the doctor is busy and that he needs to stop calling and asking the same question, because apparently the same question was asked by my mom yesterday when she called about my irregular breathing. Hmm...for some me that doesn't really sound like the same question my dad asked. *rolls eyes* Now my mom is going to the doctor herself to bitch them out and to demand they write me a prescription for different medicine that won't screw me up so much because she thinks I may be allergic to one of them. I'm going to take a nap now. u_u;;

Oh, btw, like my new layout?? ^_^
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