Last Day of 2004...

Dec 31, 2004 00:42

Bart: Am I the only one who's in horrible pain?
Homer: You're the only one that won't SHUT UP about it.

Oh, my GOD do my legs hurt. So much walking!! 'Twas quite a day. I finally got to meet up with Jamila at Chula Mall to exchange gifts. I drove up there on my own again! Man, I am getting quite used to this whole driving thing. Anyway, I met with her and we really didn't exchange gifts right then and there. We ate at Sbarro (can't go wrong with good Italian food!!) and then walked around a bit. Aww.. I really wanted to play some Dance Dance Revolution, but some group of kids took over the game... Eh, we stopped by Hot Topic and then to Pac Sun before finally heading to Starbucks to get some warm drinks and get to the whole exchanging gifts thing. She really enjoyed the black scarf that I got her, along with that box of Pocky. And.. oh, man!! Her gifts were great! She got me a picture frame that she made herself (without a picture, but I can manage) and the FLCL Vol. 1 DVD!! And Lili's gift was also in there and it was really darling. She got me a black and white Roxy scarf. That was really sweet of her. See, I received this black Roxy scarf last Christmas and I had let her borrow it for a few days. She then.. misplaced it or something. But still... it was so sweet!! Thank you both Lili and Jamila!!

I finally got home a little while later (after driving in nearly darkness), called up my sister and asked her what she got for everyone for our late Christmas thing. She told me nothing. We had our Xmas delayed for a week and she still hadn't bought anything. She started to freak out hardcore and I offered to go with her shopping. So, fifteen minutes after I had come home and changed into my comfy clothes, I changed again to do some really last minute shopping. We ended up going to a Wal Mart near SDSU and Horton Plaza. Hmm.. all of that walking must be the reason why my legs hurt so much!! But yes.. we still managed to get something for everyone. Whew... but now, I think our dinner and present opening won't be until Saturday (New Year's Day) since my sister won't be coming home until 5:30 and my mom doesn't want my other sis and her boyfriend to be driving around late at night on New Year's Eve. Ugh.. so I guess we are not opening presents until Saturday. Man, if I was ten years younger and I had to wait this long to open up presents, I'd be pretty pissed off right now.

With that aside, it's now the 31st of December, the last day of 2004. So many things have happened this year.. in case you are just joining us now, I shall include a short version of my 2004...

*Experienced great second part of senior year (Girls' League was the best and then the After Prom.. and then Prom)
*Graduated from Chula Vista High School (Top 25 and CSF Life Member)
*Hung out with friends during the summer (DDR and Breakfast Days.. heh heh..)
*Experienced love and heartbreak (not personally, but pretty damn close to it)
*Knew the real meaning of 'friend'
*Learned how to drive and obtained Driver's License
*Started college life @ San Diego State University
*Became a Final Fantasy fanatic (I finished FFX-2 last night with 100% in one game!!)
*Got closer to everything and everyone...

So, there you have it. Man, it was a great year, now wasn't it? Let's hope that the next is much better! Well, I guess that's it for 2004. Next time I'm here it'll be 2005!! Be safe and remember.. designated drivers are there for a reason!! Love you all...
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