App for Route_29

Jul 25, 2010 00:14

Name: Kini
Livejournal Username: kinirokitsune
AIM/MSN: cuteblueribbon
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time/ GMT-4
Current Characters in Route: Akira Ijyuin, Rhode Camelot

Name: Yachiru Kusajishi
Series: BLEACH
Timeline: Taken Just after Kenpachi’s fight with Nnoitra
Canon Resource Links:

Affiliation: Trainer~ I see her as a battle girl/kid?

Personality: Yachiru's childhood before meeting Kenpachi was quite grim. She saw her parents murdered, lived an area filled with animal like men and saw blood constantly being spilled. Despite this, Yachiru has grown up to be a fairly normal child. (Though, she doesn't seem to mind blood and has a penchant for fighting)

Yachiru, like many children, is cheerful, energetic, and carefree. When she isn't busy watching fights or training, Yachiru play with her toys, eats sweets and play, the occasionally prank. She has a habit of giving all the people she knows a ridiculous and rather silly nickname. On more than a few occasions, she has forgotten a person’s nickname and made up a new one. (Usually, the nickname is rather endearing or nonsensical). She hardly gets angry. It isn’t in her nature to get angry. Unless, it involves Kenpachi in some way. She does become annoyed when someone questions her sense of direction or questions her.

Yachiru can be very intimidating when she wants to be. Here subordinates and many other have been know to cower if fear when she approaches. Part of it is due to reputation as a terror. But, it likely that then can see the amount of damage she can do when angered. Additionally, she is Kenpachi’s adopted daughter. No on dares to mess with her unless they want to summon Kenpachi’s (and possible her division’s) wrath.

Despite being, rather normal, for the most part, Yachiru is the type of child who enjoys watch fights. She is extremely fond of watching Kenpachi fight. Especially, when the opponent decides to put up a good fight. Nothing makes her happier then watching her foster father go all out in a battle. She herself is quite fond of fighting but for the most part prefers to watch. Though, she herself states that she doesn’t like weaklings in her division. In hasn’t been show, but it is likely, she trains with her sword.

It should be noted,Yachiru tends to judge people on how strong they are. They weaker they are, she will ignore them. Though, its not always about their physical strength...But, most times she judges on how interesting a person is.

-Like most children, she's pretty carefree. Nothing keeps little Yachiru down for too long.

-She has endless amounts of energy.

-For the most part, she is friendly. She has no problem giving people funny nickname on their first meeting.

-Yachiru is fearless. Part of it is due to Kenpachi constant presence but it most come from the fact she can defend herself. The sword on her hip and insignia on her arm show just how

She is very affectionate to those she deems worthy of her attention. She'll talk to them, perch on their shoulder, hug them asks them to play etc

She a bigger eater but isn't too pick when it comes to food. Though, when it come to candy, she is very particular.

Despite holding a position a lieutenant, Yachiru still enjoys the fun thing in life. Oddly enough, fun first work later is the motto in the 11th Division..

She is a prankster. She has proven time and time again that you should fear her pranks. So far, she has stolen all the fish in from Byakuya's pond and gathered blackmail photos on various shinigami members.


Again, since she isn't a pick eater, she has been know to eat/bite the oddest thing. (Apparently, she has eat dog biscuit...Plus, she's developed a taste for one her subordinates head)

Yachiru does not like being criticized. It's likely the little girl will attack you for daring to do such a thing. (Cover your head in case you do criticize her)

Kenpachi- Kenpachi plays am important role in the little pink haired girl's life. He is the man who saved her, gave her a name and a home. She is not completely co-dependent on him but he does play a very large role in her life. In fact, the only time you see her truly worried/scared was when Kenpachi passed out.

She does have a temper but it is very rarely seen. The only instance we have seen it is during the fight between Kenpachi and Ichigo. Her reiatsu struck down a messenger who tried to interupt a fight between

Terrible sense of direction...It doesn't help that Kenpachi also has a bad sense of direction.

Starter: Male Tyrogue (Whose nickname will be constantly changing. But currently, Tiny)

Password: Yachiru will come and devour all your SALMON RICEBALLS
(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample:

[A little pink haired girl holds up a wriggle Magikarp over her head]

Look Tiny! I caught a fish. [She sit down and stares at the wriggling Pokemon]

I'm hungry. You think we can't eat it? [Her Tyrouge shrugs. Yachriu looks pensive before attempting to eat the Pokemon]

Blah! He tastes yucky...[She's tosses the Pokemon aside in disgust. But, there is a flash of red light and the Pokemon disappears into a Pokeball that had been lying on the ground]

Eeh? Where did the fish go? Did it go inside that ball? [She picks it up and shakes it] We could give it to Ukki...He likes fishes..

Let's go, Tiny. We need to find Ken-chan...He's probably lost.

[She grabs her Tyrogue's hand and pulls him down the road] R-rogue!

Third Person Sample:

“Come on, Tiny!” she called out to her new friend. Her Pokemon shot her an annoyed look which Yachiru chose to ignore.

Honestly, she was a little mad that Ken-chan ran off without telling her. Really, she was going to tell him of for leaving her behind. Though, the lady, who claimed to be her Mommy, which was silly since she didn’t have one, was nice enough to give her some yummy food, a backpack, nice clothes and her pet, Tiny.

Yachiru turned to look at her new pet. She had never seen such an animal before. He wasn't an arrancar or a hollow. Oddly enough, he could talk to. Granted, he could only say one thing. Maybe he was a baby and that was why he could only say one word.

One thing that had bothered her was that he was...

“Scrawny. You're really scrawny, Tiny.” She told her Pokemon.

Ignoring her Pokemon's cry of outrage, she knew that Ken-chan would not let her keep that was weak. Never mind the fact, he wouldn't let have a pet. But, she would find a way to keep Tiny.

“But, that okay Tiny! Cuz, we're gonna do lots of training!”

“Rogue?” Her Pokemon looked at her with confusion. One minute, he was claiming he was scrawny and now training?

“Your my pet now and that makes ya part of the 11th Division. Ya like ta fight, right?” At the nod, she continued. “Good, we're gonna be doing lots of fighting! Your real little like me but I'm strong! I'm gonna make sure your the same too. Cuz, we don't want any weak people in our division. That way when I show ya ta Ken-chan, he can't say that I can't keep ya. Cuz, then you'll be strong!”

Despite being completely human, Yachiru took her Pokemon's arm and proceeded to drag him along.

“”Let's do some fighting, Tiny!” “Rouge!”


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