Okay, so I don't usually post about personal stuff, and definitely try not to talk about my health. That tends to de-generate into complaining and whining and I know that I'm really lucky to be as healthy as I am.
Particularly with my poor genetics, but this is one part post of gratitude to God and one part public service announcement.
So here it is:
If you suffer from multiple severe headaches/migraines a week
Unexplained double vision and/or pressure in your ears
Strange bouts of dizziness and/or loss of spacial awareness
Random bouts of fatigue And/Or odd blood pressure changes.>
Find a chiropractor who specializes in Atlas Subluxation and go to them.
I don't usually like telling people what to do, but I've been suffering from some combination the above symptoms for the last 10+ years and I though that I'd never get better. I'm allergic to a lot of medication and
I'm on my 4th visit with a chiropractor who handles Atlas Sublixation and most of my double vision has disappeared (This after my eye doctor who specializes in double/unusual vision basically told me that she was out of options to figure out why my double vision just kept getting worse) I'm down to 1 or 2 semi-severe headaches a week despite my tests to see how I reacted to my old trigger foods (This is after seeing my general practitioner about them, going to a therapist for a while when the doctor couldn't find a cause, and then going to a chiropractor who didn't treat Atlas Sublixation for 5 years). I haven't had a severe dizzy spell or fallen in almost two weeks.
So please, please consider looking into this treatment if you are suffering from any of the above symptoms. A lot of chiropractors will do an introductory examination for 20 dollars during certain times of the year. And you can always call their offices up and ask if they handle Atlas Sublixation.
If it doesn't work then it's not like you are out an extreme amount of money. If you are like me 20 bucks is equivalent to one or two months of headache medication.
You can find out more information here: