are we in the clear yet, in the clear yet, good

Mar 06, 2015 23:50

DM lost his job. :( Had some friends over for commiseration funtimes tonight. Mostly dudes, one other girl. She's joining our campaign, which should be interesting.

I forget sometimes the particular ways in which I thrive in majority-dude spaces. I have generally found them to be louder, more verbally combative without anyone actually taking offense, and more competitive than most majority-female spaces I have inhabited. Being that I tend toward argumentative and aggressively competitive myself, it's freeing, in a way. I had a lot of fun.

I will admit that I wore makeup and my nerd-armour (Deadpool shirt, Zelda hat) because I'm not immune from wanting to make a good impression on strangers, but it's not like I was presenting a false face. I like to wear makeup, I like Deadpool a lot even if I don't know the character as well as I want to (and soon will, if I ever get around to borrowing Sam's comics), and Zelda and I have been on excellent terms since A Link to the Past. (Not actually playing the games doesn't disqualify me from being a fan of them, does it? :P) I forgive myself for my insecurity.

I made my goodbyes around 10 and one guy was like, " you work in the morning, or...?" Prolonged inquiry and explanation followed, the upshot of which was basically "we think you're cool, don't go" and "thanks, but I gotta." I had a lot of fun. Wouldn't mind hanging out with them again.

dude space

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