night after night i hear the hungry deer wander weeping in the woods

Mar 22, 2014 22:04

It has been a long, rough winter. I am so sick of being sick. I think I've been sick more than I've been well, and it's starting to scare me.

Currently: bronchitis. Day three. Hopefully I begin some kind of upswing soon, because this is getting old.

And the weather? Not helping. My room is starting to smell like a sick room and I can't open the window, because, oh, yeah, SNOW. This is the time of year when the weather's all like "IT'S STILL MARCH, MOTHERFUCKERS" and I'm all like "oh... right. >_<"

I need to make some changes, once I'm not sick anymore. I say this every time, but it's getting serious. A couple of years ago, looking ahead, I said I wanted to be "physically competent" by the time I was thirty. At the time, that meant, like, capable of doing actual push-ups and maybe running again, or at least doing some kind of regular and relatively strenuous movement like karate or something.

Now? I just want to be keeping regular hours, eating well*, and capable of taking daily walks in sometimes-chilly weather without getting a cold.

I have just under two months to accomplish this. I don't think it's beyond my reach.

*for a highly subjective definition of "well". I already eat fruit and vegetables and good protein, and I don't plan on, like, eliminating butter or anything silly like that. I just have balance issues (particularly surrounding chocolate), and I may need to investigate some potential food sensitivities.

sick frieza is sick

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