is it... can it be...? a proper update?

Nov 24, 2012 16:20

Hi, everyone! I have been gone long enough that I have actual news.

Most importantly: I am being considered for a music/band/choral .5 position at a school about twenty minutes out of town. The teacher is going on mat leave as of Christmas and may take the full year. She teaches grade 1 reading and math in the morning and the music, etc. in the afternoon. School administration decided to split the position, as they were having difficulty finding the required skill set in just one person.

I got a call on Wednesday morning from the principal of this school, who first inquired if I was my mother's daughter - her own daughter had been a Kodaly student of my mother's back in the day. I confirmed I was, and then she explained that my name had crossed her desk, and was I a teacher, was I looking for work?

I was indeed. She said they had the HR guy coming out for interviews that day; could I possibly make it out? For 3:15, perhaps?

Um, YES.

So I had an interview on Wednesday. It was decent. I don't have Primary training and I was honest about that, because as much as I can say I'd like the challenge, the reality of it, which they deserve to know, is that this is not an area of strength for me, and I would have a serious learning curve on it.

The music, though? The music I can do in my sleep.

So. They asked me no less than three times before I left whether I would still be interested in the position if it were just the half-time music position. I said yes every time.

The next day I got a call from the principal again. They're still deliberating, haven't made a decision, but would I mind getting on the sub list at the board office and coming out for an afternoon to see what my fit is like with the music kids?

Of course I won't mind. My impression is that they want me, I have good antecedents and the skill set they need for the music, but since most of my experience is working with high school age students, they want to be sure I have rapport with the little ones too.

I'm not worried. I'm pretty sure it will work out.

So I went into the Board office on Friday and got all my paperwork submitted, had a lovely chat with the HR secretary, and can go in to the school whenever the principal wants me to. I've updated the principal, and she says she'll let me know when she wants me to come in once she's discussed it with other involved parties.

I hope I get it. I'll keep y'all posted.

If I get it, I'll need a car. Definitely a standard. :D

Speaking of which, I'm going to see Wreck-It Ralph with Cara tonight, and she's going to come pick me up in her car and let me drive it. See, her husband took me out driving after Hallowe'en and after the one session pronounced himself satisfied that I knew what I was doing, and declared that, anytime we had plans together, I could do the driving in one of their cars (which are both manual transmission). It's been a few weeks now, but I'm mostly excited. The roads aren't bad.

Hmm, what else? I think that's mostly it. I'll be posting Hallowe'en pictures at some point; I did post some on Facebook already, so if you're on there I imagine you've seen them, but I have better-quality ones on my camera that I can't access until I find my cable, so hopefully I find it soon so I can post those.

Supernatural this season is delighting me in many ways. I feel a trust in the show that I don't think I ever have before - I raced through the first few seasons so fast there wasn't time for much in the way of stepping outside and observing, and then there was all the angel stuff, which was wrenching the first time through, and then the Apocalypse, and basically I went through 6 and 7 braced for impact and enjoying everything I could because I wasn't sure how much enjoyment I could count on. This season seems to be coming together better, somehow. I hope my trust is not misplaced.

Oh, in final, related news, Jensen Ackles is People's pick for sexiest 34-year-old man. A narrow category, but I'm glad he's getting recognised as the fine, fine specimen of humanity that he is. :D

i guess i need a jensen ackles tag, spn, teachery stuff

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