I just figured out that you can record multiple tracks in Audacity. HNNNNGH YES. So much easier than switching computers and using Garage Band. :D
And, uh,
here, have a very short song that I made up on the spot whilst trying it out. I had to be quiet because everyone's asleep, and there are some timing issues - I'm still trying to figure out why the tracks don't line up properly in the second half. But I had a motto in university that I'd forgotten until now: it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful. So there you are.
(If you're curious, I started with the bass line and built up from there. I need to write more music, I think.)
This week's been hugely inspiring, from hearing all the singers in the music festival to getting dragged out to
Inspire, a new cafe attached to an established studio and art gallery. The cafe just opened a few weeks ago, and apparently they have live music every Friday. Way I hear it, if you're a musician, you go tell them, they audition you, and if you're good, they book you. I'm assuming unpaid until I hear otherwise, but that's not the point. The point is, I talked to Justine, and she wants to collaborate with me. :D I figure between the, like, six songs I can play, whatever she's got, and whatever we can throw together with two voices, her guitar and my smattering of recorder and keyboard skills, we can pull it off. Even if it doesn't fly - which I really hpe it does - I'd like to just get together with her and jam. It's not something I usually do, and I think I should do it more.