they are all noblemen who have gone wrong

Aug 23, 2010 12:11

So I was going to go see Inception again yesterday and also post about Friday and Saturday, but then discovered that Inception is no longer playing and that I was nauseated from exhaustion because apparently I've been going shorter on sleep than I realised these last two weeks, so I went to "have a nap" around 7 and woke up at 10:30 only to get a drink of water and say goodnight to my parents before going back to bed again. Slept solid until at least 6, I think, and didn't get up until 9:30.

I have an interview this afternoon about the brass position at the Cultural Centre. I'm pretty sure this interview is mostly going to be talking logistics, since at this point there is no way they're getting anyone else, and if they hadn't had any students register, they wouldn't need to interview me because there'd be no position to fill.

I had a dentist appointment at 8:30 Firday morning, so I had to be up at the crack of dawn, and of course that was the day we got all the BC smoke, so I wore a damp bandana over my nose and mouth every time I went outside. It looked ridiculous, I'm sure, but the performance was on Saturday and I didn't want to take any risks with my throat. Dentist appointment was pretty standard: check-up, in which is was extablished that I have another cavity next to one of my filled molars because I tend to forget to floss, and then a cleaning. Then right after I was done, I had to book it over to the Cultural Centre. We had individual warm-ups/tech lessons scheduled throughout the morning, and then the dress rehearsal started at noon. My warm-up was at 10:40; fortunate, since I'd had fluoride at 10, so I was able to drink water as of 10:30.

After that, I was going to just go hang out with everyone for a bit, but Andrew had to go to VV to get some pirate pants and asked me to come help, so I did. Not that I think I was much help, in the end, but it was good times. Went back to his house after to make necessary modifications and have lunch, and then over to the College Theatre for the dress rehearsal.

We ran a few transitions first off, and then everyone was setting up for the actual dress run, so I dashed off to get my costumes and things from where I'd left them out in the middle of the theatre. Being in such a hurry, of course I wiped out going up the short but deep steps - scuffed a foot, tried to get my balance back, and biffed it thoroughly, taking the impact primarily on my right knee.

Yeah. Screwed up my left knee last weekend, screwed up the other one this weekend. I rock.

People went and got me cold water bottles to put on my knee and also to drink, and I didn't have to sing or anything until almost the very end of the first half, so I hung out in a seat in the audience until I felt a little better and then gathered my stuff and went backstage. I'd been really worried, initially, because when one is injured, in the first shock of immobility the damage sometimes feels much worse than it actually is, but I managed to do the entire dress rehearsal on it and everything, and it didn't protest too badly.

(To allay any potential worries, it's doing pretty well right now; a little discoloured, and the inflammation has spread itself out all down my leg into my foot and ankle, but it seems to be healing, and it doesn't really hurt.)

Dress rehearsal went pretty well. Afterwards, went and had tea/a kind of a picnic with Sarah and Susanne and Alex, the latter two of whom are sisters and are not in the workshop this year but have been before, and are good friends with Sarah and with me. It was really nice; I haven't hung out with them in a while.

After that, finally, beer with Andrew. Which we'd decided was actually going to be dinner, because we finished the dress rehearsal around 4 and agreed to meet up at 6 at Earl's. It did, however, involve beer. It was excellent good times. You know how sometimes you start talking with someone you don't really know and begin to discover that you have all sorts of things in common and the next thing you know it's three hours later and your throat is getting tired because the conversation just hasn't stopped? It was like that.

And then I came home and read fanfiction and went to bed. End of Friday.

On Saturday, I had to work in the afternoon. It was pretty boring, but at least the smoke was gone, so I'd been able to walk about outside unmasked. I'd downloaded a bunch of SPN Big Bangs that I hadn't gotten around to - fortunately most of the ones in which I was interested were available in PDF, because if I have too many tabs open Safari will quit on me - but hadn't really had time to screen them, so it turned out that only one of them was worth reading. It was a long 'un, though, so it did take up pretty much the entire shift.

Mom picked me up from work and took me straight to the CC for a warm-up with Judith, while she went and got me a burrito because she is awesome, and then we went over to the theatre because call was for 6.

Show was at 7:30.

Everything went pretty smoothly. I am two sleeps removed from the concert high, so it's a little difficult to remember how awesome it felt, but it felt awesome. I know I drank a lot of water and went to the bathroom about six or seven times, because nervous-singer-bladder seems to be about the size of a lentil and nervous-singer-throat dries out super-quickly, but that was fine, because there was time. And everyone did so well! There are some really young singers in this camp - the youngest is thirteen - and everyone's made so much progress in the last two weeks. It's really something.

The Carmen was the most comfortable it's ever been, for movement; I have no idea what it looked like from the audience, but it felt pretty good. Sadly, I think the final B was a little under... :P Oh, well. I could even be wrong about that. And I ended up not being Baba for The Black Swan after all; Loralee is more comfortable with no staging at all, so we axed that and she just stood and sang. She sounded better that way, and the staging had really been kind of tacked on last-minute, so it's just as well. Next year we're going to fully stage it and do it as a duet, as it is in the opera, so I'm excited for that.

Pirates went splendidly, barring our Pirate King stalling out in that place he always stalls out in - it was awkward, but his character is a little awkward in the first place, and he actually ended up ad libbing a bit, which I think is kind of a breakthrough for Marshall, so that was kind of cool. While at the same time being awkward and unfortunate. :P

Costume change for me went smoothly - when I went out and showed the other girls where I was, though, and they all rushed me, Tabea came running and just launched herself into my arms, which was probably awesome from a visual standpoint, but kind of stunned me a little. She's not a big kid, but the leap was made with total abandon. And then I had to climb stairs and sing. So I was a little winded....

It was a really excellent show, on the whole. And here is the best part: my Dad came. He was at our little recital back in the spring, but there were maybe seventeen people in the audience and it was in a little church and it was just generally not a huge deal. This is much bigger. And he hasn't been to a major performance of mine since - I don't even know. Elementary school? Something like that. He's been too ill, and then I was in Edmonton. So this is kind of huge. I didn't find out for sure until yesterday, but Judith mentioned after the show that she thought she'd seen him up in the back, so I was hoping.

After the show, we all went out to Earl's, and it was grand, and I had strawberry margaritas and steak, and it was Jacqueline's birthday so we all had cake, and there were so many of us we took up about a third of the dining room. I ended up talking a lot with Andrew again because he squished a chair into the corner of the table, next to me, but Hannah had brought three friends with her and they all sat across from me and seemed to be into anime fandom and fanfic and whatnot, so there was some amusing conversation there.

When people started leaving, there were several zillion hugs and group hugs and it was all very clingy and affectionate and I really, really like these kids. I hope they all come back next summer.

Yesterday was Mass and work and home and sleep. And today, I have this interview, and I have to pack and clean up and stuff, and finish Star Trek with Isaac and maybe go see Despicable Me. Possibly.

I really wish Inception were still playing. *pouts* At least the wait time from leaving theatres to DVD release has lessened considerably since I was younger.

OH CRAP and I have to finish my Tart Notes column for September. I already got an extension; this has to get finished before I leave for Ontario. *_* Must get on that.

epic tales, singing

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