Vilya, o Vilya, du wald Mägdelein, fass' mich und lass' mich dein Trautliebster sein

Aug 18, 2010 22:54

Today is better. I talked to Sarah this afternoon and it was actually helpful just to vent at some length and in person to someone sympathetic.

Also, I decided definitely that Andrew and I need to go have a beer at some point before Saturday, and informed him of this decision before we dispersed this evening. We are going to talk logistics tomorrow.

Meanwhile, things are pulling together nicely. Sarah is doing Quando m'en vo from La Bohème, and the rest of us are chorus/onlookers. I am cynical about the whole thing, and have a bet going on with Caitlyn about how long it's going to take for Marcello to cave. I end up collecting in the end. :P I don't care if it doesn't read that well from the audience; somebody has to counteract the lovey-dovey romantics on the other side of the stage who swoon when Marcello takes Musetta back. XD

I am in a crapload of things, y'all.

01) Carmen

-Près des remparts de Seville - gypsy skirt, bare feet, some kind of blouse/half-corset combo that has yet TBD

02) Ruth

-Pirates of Penzance - frumpy middle-aged proto-cougar; black bloomers (will not be visible), looong burgundy skirt, purple man's shirt, purple bandana, black sensible shoes, brown handbag with knitting

03) Bernadette

-Pirates - one of the Major-General's daughters (not her actual name, we made ours up); black bloomers, black frilly knee-length skirts, cute black top, black-and-white striped socks, koi boots

04) Charlotte

-Werther - Va! Laisse couler mes larmes - probably wearing either a dress, if I can find one tomorrow, or the burgundy skirt, the black top, and some sort of pashmina; not sure about shoes yet

05) Baba

-The Medium - The Black Swan - this is a non-singing role; I just have to act demented and collapse. Burgundy skirt, bare feet, whatever blouse I can find for Carmen, and some sort of sash and hair scarf

06) Socialite

-Vilya - chorus role; Sarah sings this aria, and it's storytime. Same outfit as for Charlotte, probably

07) Socialite

-Quando m'en vo - non-singing role; Sarah sings this aria, and I am cynical (but it is GORGEOUS). Probably same outfit as for Charlotte

So... yeah. Seven people in six things. Five different costumes. AWESOME. I have to find:

-some sort of blouse thing for Carmen, and hopefully something to give the outfit some shape
-a dress for Charlotte and the two socialite bits, if possible

That's not so bad. I'mma need my own costume rack, though. :P

I would also like to announce that my shoulders are going to be hella sore by the end of Saturday. Being tied up for twenty minutes or so today and yesterday is starting to take its toll... I think I need a hot shower. Tomorrow, though. Almost bedtime now.


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