I caught myself reading another large publication about sex, this time about the nature of female sexual arousal. It was a good article, going into one of many ideas that maybe women are completely narcissistic and get turned on by being desired. It's an interesting way to look at things (The link's
here is you're interested).
While I was reading the piece, I realized that maybe I've passed beyond a pervy fascination of sex and sexual behaviors and into actual study. I've read countless articles, explorations, listened to lectures and picked up 4 different books on the subject (My first being my parent's Joy of Sex which I read at 11 or so for the psychology bits of it rather than the really dated drawings). By far, I doubt I've independently studied anything more than I have human sexuality, and no, I'm not counting 'hands on' study.
The more I read, the more I study, the more I love the material and the research about it, and of course, sharing that information. I realize that maybe I should become a sex therapist or some sort of researcher into that field so I stop sounding like a pervert and more like a scientist, add some credibility and all that. I know I could easily take my little premed major and head off in that direction, but for the psychology bit, it is a little late for that.