I'm officially out of school until next month, and out of a job until... well, whenever something decides to play out, so I think it's pretty safe to say that an update is in order!
I am still mercilessly kicking ass at school. As of this morning, I have a 99.4 in my speech class, a 99 in my history class (I missed ONE point on a test, and I haven't submitted my extra credit assignment yet), and I have absolutely no idea how I could have anything less than a 96 in my English class. It's good to know that even though the job thing was a bit of a crash-and-burn, I'm keeping my focus on what is really important, which is school. My English teacher is determined to get me to become a writing tutor, which would barely scratch the surface of worthwhile part time hours, but I think the experience would be good. Plus, if nothing else, it'd guarantee a recommendation letter from my teacher, whom I will unquestionably be taking additional English classes from because I adore her style.
I am working on a pretty big side project, which will hopefully become a bit more fruitful now that I've got more spare time on my hands. Spring break is pretty much spoken for by the three papers and a research project I've been slacking on (a more appropriate name for this week would be "that week where there's no class so you can use the time to catch up with everything before you buckle down for the next six weeks," but I suppose "spring break" rolls off the tongue in a smoother fashion), and the desire to find some sunshine, but even once school kicks back off, I think I'll be able to utilize some of the new time management techniques I'm learning to push this bad boy forward.
new 101 list is in full effect, and as the 60 day mark creeps up on me, I'm pretty proud to say that I've completed 2 tasks: My homegirl Amy has
started her own list, and I went beer tasting at the Kona Brewers' Festival a couple weekends ago. Hopefully we'll be able to make it out to Makalawena to camp for a night or two sometime before next week is over-- Admittedly, I'll have to trudge around with a stack of library books, but I'm sure I can think of a few worse places to do research. I'm also on the verge of hacking off/donating my hair, but I just can't find a fitting short hairstyle
JK, LOL, FOUND ONE. I want to go a little shorter than I did last time, but my hair is so thick/wavy/curly/frizzy/mind-of-its-own-y, that I'm a little apprehensive that it'll just turn into a giant ball of frizz in this humidity.
I sent in my taxes about a month ago, and am hoping I'll be getting a pretty decent chunk of change back. I've been hell bent on
upgrading my camera so I can take more pictures that will probably never see the light of internet-dom HEY STOP THAT, I'M WORKING ON IT, OKAY? for a while, and I hit a brief dilemma yesterday, when I realized that I could come up on
a "better" camera for about $200 more. After a ridiculous amount of over-analysis and a 20 minute chat with someone similarly knowledgeable (after I hesitantly explained the scenario to Roomie Matt, he stood up and said, "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO SAY TO THAT, but I can get you on the phone with someone who would." And he did.) who understood exactly where I was coming from, and saw the exact same advantages as I did, we both concluded that I should stick to the original game plan. Crop sensor for life, G.
...or at least until I decide to dump waaaaay more money on lenses, which won't be anytime terribly soon.
original version (advance apologies for profuse amounts of hipster) has become our trademark "precursor to an absolutely amazing night" theme, so we were quite pleasantly surprised to find this version.
Click to view
PS- this was meant to be posted last night, but livejournal tried to eat it, I had a miniature freakout, and decided bed would probably be in my best interest.