Dec 19, 2005 02:58
So I go to read up on the news, fufilling my age requirements since I go outside once a week.
What the fuck is with this Merry Holiday shit? The holiday is called Christmas. Being politically correct has gone way too fucking far.
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I wonder what fuckups in the administration this war-on-christmas bullshit is supposed to be distracting us from.
"Happy Holidays" is a polite little add-on to words and signs that is supposed to acknowledge and respect the practices of other people, y'know? But since Christmas is a federal holiday, the proper thing to display is "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays". Stores can't display signs promoting anything but federal holidays, as far as I know ( ... )
Personally, I'm not Christian, but I absolutely love Christmas and all the spectacle surrounding it. :) I don't think there's a war on anything. An athiest that's going to pitch a fit like you mentioned is just as ridiculous as the fundie slamming his fist down to say his holiday's the most important, so there. You're right, it's about mutual respect. I don't think 'Happy Holidays' necessarily excludes Christmas. It's certainly a bit shorter to say than tacking everyone on individually with an 'and.' I suppose I've never thought of it as an add-on; I use it rather interchangeably.
As for the "and" thing, it's just the technical/appropriate store display is all. But you won't see me boycotting a store for "Happy Holidays", though it is kind of annoying when they plaster it on blatantly Christmas stuff as if to say "OH NO, we're not talking about CHRISTMAS."
Happy Holidays doesn't exclude Christmas, heck no. But when they slap it on a Santa Claus to make him more PC, I start to either complain or laugh.
There ARE a lot of holidays around this time of year. I wish a Happy Whatever to friends who celebrate whatever holiday, since I want them to have a ... happy one. But weirdly, they refuse to let the word "Christmas" pass over their lips, even to me, because of all of the "raping of our holidays" Christianity has done to paganism, etc, etc... which I won't even get into. e_e But wow, bitter and hardcore much?
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