Today was a fun studying day - yay! However, several text messages cheered me up!
So, I got my love of Gundam Wing back - amazing what sitting bored at 3am can do for your love of anime! I'm well happy, I love it just as much as before - even more, now - 'cos I relate to what they're talking about. Thus, I ended up doing a bunch of memes...
The One Deep Gundam Wing Personality Test brought to you by
Quizilla much did I not expect to get that?! I really didn't. I'm impressed that I did, but I was expecting to be Duo...maybe Quatre. But not Heero. Hmm...guess my character really is on a whack just now!
Especially since I'm mostly like Hilde gals wise...hmmm...*is suspicious*
Must return to the studying...