Apr 12, 2008 22:59
OK! So, the adrenaline/pumped-up-ness has warn off a little, but, it's still there hahaha. Be prepaired for this! 8D
Soo, basically, my class was competing in the Junior ranks doing Hip-Hop. Apparently we owned it. XD There were 5 other teams, 2 others from our school, 2 from another school, and 1 from a school out of town. Our school took home 3 of 4 prizes. My class placed second. :3 Yeah.. we own.
After we preformed, things were great. I went out and joined in to watch the rest of the dances (we were not allowed to watch the dances until we ourselves had preformed. There were some _amazing_ schools. Many that should have won better places than they did, and many that should have tied. Though, I have to say, there was no team that deserved anything lower than they got. They all brought everything they had!
It was soo amazing <3 I can't wait to do it again in 2 years (possibly next year as well). It all depends on which courses I'm taking in the next couple years. -shrug- ANYWAY!
People there were really awesome to each other. We were all just pumping each other up, cheering on everyone else. It really was phenomenal <3
Even though it was so great, there was one thing that was not-so-great. I really hurt my foot. Like, bad. I have it in a tenser bandage and I'm _trying_ to rest it, but it's not really working. Even resting it it hurts like an effing mofo. Yeah, I know, it's _almost_ enough to make me c-- naw. Not enough to cry XD! It's making me want to punch a hole through the computer screen though. It's that annoying type of pain.
Anyway. Despite that, things were good. I hurt it during the begining of the dance, but hey, I pushed through it, did the dance, and we got the place we did :3
Now, after the competition was over, we (2 friends and I) were outside waiting for our moms to pick us up. Around us, there were two other groups of people. Each group had about 20-30 people to it. They were all cheering themselves on, waiting to get back on the busses and go back to their own cities and whatnot :3 Oh, did I mention they were schools from all over BC (That's in Canada)? Anyway, they were loud, cheering on their schools, just having a great time. Breaking down some moves~ Then there was the three of _us_. Chelse, Danith and I. We were standing there, and then, out of nowhere we all just start like, "RUT-WHAT?!" "RUTLAND!" "RUT-WHAT!?!?!?!" "RUTLAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!" It was so great. XD 3 of us against 60 or so of them. Haha~
It was really inspiring. :3 I got home and Danith got online, and we both just started looking at dances on the net. It's really crazy XD. We're hoping though that next year or the year after we can enter as a duet. Win a couple of things on our own~ :3
So yeah, that's how things went down :3 It was _so_ much fun and I really can't wait to do it again. I'm stoked for dance class on tuesday~ Hehe! See all of you awesome people later m'kay?! X3
Ps. RUT-WHAT?! RUTLAND! RSS all the way~ <3