I have too much stuff. I throw out stuff, but even so there still continues to be a lot of stuff in my possession. It's quite perplexing considering I could swear that I've thrown out tons of stuff. Yet every weekend I'm weeding through stuff and throwing stuff out (and donating stuff)...and it never ends. I'm clearing out, cleaning out, and organizing my stuff. And sometimes I get so bored with this task that I hide the stuff in a bin and shove it behind the closet. Not good.
I know an organized space reflects upon me and my mindset. I need to adhere to such a minimalist mind. Recently I admitted that I couldn't do the 100 things lifestyle. Please.
I love the
adorable donut, onion, and coffee cup in this Excel Gum ad (on
Youtube). When the donut falls backwards at the end? Elicits an awww from me every time.