Not to cause anymore harm to other OTPs' fangirls

May 14, 2013 05:57

This OTP bashing is bullshit. She is a yamajima fan. And I haven't had any problems with yamajima fans until today. She is 14, very stubborn and drama queen. Shall I add, highly imaginative... too imaginative that she gets daily illusion about yamajima marriage. I don't want to comment about "yamajima is the best, the rest are motherfucker"; that's her choice. I respect that. I have my OTPs too, though they don't include yamajima. I just want you to know that once, I wrote yamajima fic to please my friends. And I didn't feel offended at all. Unlike this bitch, apparently.

I have enough of her hateful words she directed to my LJ-family. It's her pure luck than my friend protected her from my wrath. Otherwise, she would be nothing than a traumatizing kid saying sorry. How very rude of her throwing bash when bash is one of the most forbidden acts in most webs in the net.

I warn you, little baby, you'll be sorry when you face me. No, I won't use the same hurtful way to talk to you. Don't worry, since I have better manner. I am not to degrade myself before you by screaming or shrieking like banshee, being stubborn like I were some sort of ghosts having unfinished business (the thing that you did). But if you know what sarcasm is, be happy that you can make use of that knowledge.

You mess with one of my friend, you mess with the entire family, lass.

To my other yamajima fellows, please take it easy. I'm not talking offensive to you, but to one girl only and that's not about yamajima at all. As you read, it is about the lack of humanly manner.

P.S.: Sorry for the swear words OTL
It took all my wills not to write harsher words.


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