A Home for Romeo (Chapter 1)

Jul 15, 2012 08:52

Title: A Home for Romeo
Author: Yuuta / chibicorvus
Pairing: YamaChii, AriYama
Genre: Romance, Angst, Slice of Life
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine.

Chapter 1: A Visitor

The rain poured hard that day. The sky turned dim as the dark clouds gathered, filtering the sun light to come through the window contaminated by flickering droplets of water. From an afar, above the roof, the faint clapping sounds of thunder could be heard. Did the rain compose a lullaby for the two lazy boys cuddled to each other underneath the thick blanket covered their exposed porcelain skins. The smaller one - as the ticking clock on the bedside drawer intruded his slumber - stirred up first though he had not used to be a morning person. Yuri unwrapped his arms around the steady warmth of the older boy, who was groaning in his sleep for the touch of the cold air in his partner’s replacement. The owner of those undoubtedly beautiful features rubbed his eyes to get the sleepiness off his system. He yawned. Rustling to stretched his petite body, he sat up with a wince and a groan that was a kin of whimper. Hair was a complete mess, stranding down his forehead to cover almost half of his face; pinkish-red marks were spotted at some parts of his abdoment, mainly at his weak parts around the crook of his neck and his clavicles. He let out an almost inaudible sigh as he leaned to the most comfy position he could have, “You gluttonous pig…”

A pure whine of protest responded him, before a pair of slender but strong arms made their way to the squirrel’s neck. A weight fell on his right shoulder as the soothing and deep voice cooed, “It’s ‘Good morning’, Yuri.” Smiles crept up both of the lovers’ faces as they shared a look. “Are you okay?”

“No,” Yuri pouted cutely, pretending to ignore the soft and gentle touch on his cheek that never failed to send him strange feelings in his stomach. “I won’t be able to walk properly for a week and it’s all your fault for being wild last night! I hate you, buta!”

That earned a laughter. “I’m sorry,” he squished a little the boy who owned every bit of his heart then added sincerely, “I love you too.” Ryosuke smirked as his eyes caught a pink glow gleaming on Yuri’s cheeks. They had been together for more than a year. There was no way Ryosuke could misunderstand Yuri’s spontaneous utterances; particularly when most of the time, the squirrel used antonyms to express his honest. “Where is my morning kiss?” He tilted his head, loosened a bit his hug.

What disappointing him a little was that Yuri gave his brown hair instead. “There is no morning kiss,” was stern and cold. The shorty was being as stubborn as a brat. What could Ryosuke do then?

Curving a thin smirk on the younger one’s exposed shoulder, Ryosuke pulled them back to the queen-sizen bed in which their heat was still lingered. Funny when the squirrel did not even struggled for free. Ryosuke’s lead was full of endearment. All slowly and gently: Ryosuke laid the little frame on the broad surface of the bed, caressed the pinkish cheeks as he drew those black orbs to met his, closed the gap between them as he pressed his plump lips on Yuri’s, slided one of his arm under his beloved one’s nape and slightly lifted it to help the latter granting Ryosuke’s wish to explore his hot cavern. A lovable intimacy soon enveloped the two lover birds.

Unconsciously as he had his eyes closed, Yuri’s hand traveled to the older boy’s brown hair, heavenly messing it. The clashing thunder outside muffled his lustful moans as Ryosuke nibbled his lower lips, then trailing down to his chin and then the side of his neck - making the small boy tossed his head aside while whimpering incoherent words - and his shoulder. “Mnnh, you tease,” Yuri managed to blurt between his moans. Not a new thing for him to know, though.

The ring of the phone interupted. A fool way to stop the chubby cheeked boy from tasting the luxurious banquet of heaven. “Ryo…” Yuri tossed his head to face the other direction as Ryosuke touched his sensitive part on his side. “Call…” his delicate figure wriggled in indescribable pleasure. Had he had real wings, those pair of gift from God would have been flapped and brought him fly to the cloud seven.

“Let it be,” Ryosuke mumbled to the latter’s shoulder, clearly sounded unhappy.

As to Yuri, he could sense the slowly changing of the feeling sent by the older through his every touch in his innocence. The warm and blissful message was replaced by something that could turn a handsome human boy into a beast. “Ryosuke! Stop! It hurts!” Yuri pushed the well-built body of his boyfriend as the pig left a quite mark on his abdomen, that the color was darker than the others. Tears welled up in the younger one’s eyes. Whoever wore the same face of the stupid idiot retard Yamada Ryosuke, it was not him. It was more like a monster!

That scream of his dearest one snapped him back to his sense. Both worry and guilty shone in his brown eyes which were searching for the pain and forgiveness in the other one’s. His Yuri bit his own lower lip while looking down at something which was definitely not making a fun of his appearance. Ryosuke frowned. A great wave of fear swept him, as he could not read the squirrel’s expression. “I’m sorry,” he pressed their foreheads together. The phone that kept ringing did not help. “I’m sorry,” he solemnly whispered it again but Yuri pushed him further weakly - it did not even felt like Yuri wanted his boyfriend to leave completely. However neither he nor the owner of its owner could neglect the call. The reason was as clear as chrystal in their mind.

“Go answer your call,” Yuri closed his eyes, refusing everything rushes through his sight - moreover if it were a pain in his lover’s face. “It might be him.” The biggest clue had been spilled; as Ryosuke grunted in depression to get up from top of his angel, in which the anchor of his heart stranded to.

Another rustling noise filled the empty air and soon the hateful ring of his phone was replaced by a lucid voice of Ryosuke, calling the name that unexpectedly held an important cue of the two lovers’ relationship,“… Dai-chan.”

Something cracked in Yuri’s heart. Nothing was more painful than hearing another name slipped off his lover’s lips. On top of that, the little boy even heard every sentence that Ryosuke sent to the other line. They were full of love. The beautiful lines that the pig whispered to him were not completely his. Yuri shifted on the bed, curling himself like a ball underneath the blanket that covered him. Silently, a droplet of tears dripped wetting the sheet. Hurt, he was hurt. Badly. Nonetheless nothing he could do to stop pain nor the kept bugging penguin of their togetherness as a couple. Who do you think the original person claiming Yamada Ryosuke’s heart? Sorry to drop your hope, but it was not Yuri.

Ryosuke had done taking in his phone. There was no sign of him getting back to the bed, to re-proclaim every bit of Yuri. The boy was sitting still on the side of the bed with the shared blanket covered his lower body, “Dai-chan is hospitalized. They said he has gotten worse.” Yuri did not have to look at the latter’s face to see the swinging determination Ryosuke had to choose.

“Then go.” What is the benefit of having the one who holds higher importance than a mere friend? That was what Yuri doing. No matter how wrong it sounded from his point of view, no matter how broken he was when he had to say it. “And please promise me one thing,” he spoke from the heavy stillness. It there was one thing he must do, then it would be to remind his boyfriend of the harsh reality that fell upon them… that Yuri could never get the place which was already been taken by someone, that Yuri could never live in Ryosuke’s heart to bloom the flower of their love, and that Yuri was no more than a secret lover - a visitor, not an occupant. Even the fact that Ryosuke’s feelings were much greater to Yuri than to the so-called Dai-chan could not change anything. The heart of the prince to Yuri was a self-proclaim, a delusion. Their togetherness was never be the right, but the wrong one.

Both of them were aware of it.

“Never leave him, unless he wants you to.”

Both of them were aware that the time for everything back into their track had come.

“I’ll be waiting for you… though it takes forever.”

Both of them should get Romeo back to his home, which was Juliet’s heart and not other’s. Sadly Yuri was not the Juliet in their present love relationship. Yet. Someday in the future? Maybe.

to be continued.

A/N1: Oh no, oh no, oh no waiiitt!! YamaChii will end up together in the end so please don't throw those tomatoes on me D; *dodges like The Matrix*

A/N2: Anyway I saw the kissing scene of Sprout, and in my eyes, it was a total camera trick. The lips were an inch away, that it was cut. Just fyi, to create a kissing scene, you don't have to really kiss your partner. Japan is not French. They won't kiss that easily unless they were under some sort of circumstances. That's my opinion on Souhei and Miyu's kiss. I haven't see Souhei and Miku's one, though. And stating that Chinen will have his first kiss on the drama doesn't mean that he will really actually kiss the girl. It's a "drama", minna. You guys will be forced to see him kissing, who knows if he didn't actually kiss.

A/N3: Calm down, fangirls, Yamada will be there to kick the director if he did make Chinen kiss a girl.

genre: slice of life, genre: romance, pairing: yamada/chinen, rating: r, pairing: arioka/yamada, genre: angst

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