Magnet (Chapter 1 of 3)

Jun 24, 2012 22:54

Title: Magnet
Author: Yuuta / chibicorvus
Pairing: YamaChii
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: R (for language and violence)

Chapter 1 of 3

It is safe to say that Yamada Ryosuke is a magnet for trouble. Take a deep sigh and please anticipate for the worse, when you found him being cornered by approximately three members of gang in a dark alley among the busy district in Shinjuku. Well, he was down the way from school all peacefully, not until he heard a girl shouting for help. That girl wore the set of uniform of his school, though he could not remember who she was. Then, there he was, blabbering about a police and his teacher... and being left alone, as the girl escaped to safe her own life for good.

"Getting all cocky, you brat?" the one whose face had so many piercings stared down him.

A loud sound of metal meeting a concret stole the poor hearted boy. "Don't you know us?"

A sake-smelled guy with rough moustache licked his own lips as if he was staring at the most tantalizing food in the Earth, "Yer quite pretty fer a boy, don't cha?"

All with such dreadful look and aura, that Ryosuke could do nothing but shrinked back and hugged his bag tightly. He thought his life would end at that second on that night. The three men walked approached him, cornered him, intensively teasing him. Ryosuke's cellphone had been broken and dead after being thrown harshly by one of the gang members as a group-defense. Okay, it was safe again to say how dull-brained he was for not anticipating such situation would happen.

He closed his brown eyes and squated down when one of them raised his metal bar. "Itte!" was heard thereafter, but it did not come from his mouth. A soft thud poked his hearing, though there was no hitting practically performed yet. Reluctantly, Ryosuke opened one of his eyes to see the three of them had already shifted their gaze to a little figure who stand in the mouth of the alley; whose shadow shaded Ryosuke in his spot.

"You coward *ssh*les!" his saviour voice was rather high-pitched for a boy.

Silently thanking for the slight appearance of his hero and the opened chance for run, Ryosuke ran with all of his might from the trouble. Never did a thought flash on his mind of his little saviour's fate after such heroic challenge on a life-threatening gang. Just when he reached out the dark alley, his steps slowed down until they gradually stopped. Uneasiness and guilt overwhelmed him. Wasn't he the same difference as the girl who left him without concern? What if something bad happened to the boy who saved him earlier? What if that boy took his place instead for the beating?

Panic screams of the pedestrians filled the pavement. Ryosuke turned around to see the boy, who looked smaller and younger than him, fought the three adults without fear. Ah, he also wore the same uniform as him. How small the world is, no? The longer the fight, the more instant the circle of crowd was formed. Ryosuke shoved his slender body among them to get a better view. How pale his face was when he witnessed a guy with his metal bar successfully hit the boy's side, making him shrinked while wincing and groaning at the same time.

"Hey, STOP!" He might be insane for bringing himself back to the trouble. Indeed, he was a magnet for trouble. But never could he be careless if he made people suffer as in replacing him. Ryosuke deliberately stood between the boy and the gang members, arms were opened widely as he was shielding the latter from the many more beating. His face was fully determined. "No more hitting! No more hurting people!" Of course they would laugh, the gang members. Like he cared, tough.

"I called the police! They will come in a sec!" one of the pedestrian in the crowd announced, panicking the gang as a familiar sirens roared the air.

It alarmed Ryosuke too. He quickly turned his body to see how the boy was doing. Apparently, he could surpress his worry well, because that little boy had grabbed and dragged him along his way running from the scene with a stunning speed. In a glimpse of sight, Ryosuke found his body flew after the tiny frame as if he had no weight at all.

They stopped running once they saw a playground nearby a residence complex, just behind the district. Both of them panted hard as they collapsed on an empty bench next to a lamp post, trying to grasp back their breath. Ryosuke clutched his rib. It felt burnt after the long way running without stop even a while. None of them talked a word. From his brown, wet and sticky bangs, Ryosuke stole a glance of another brown haired boy who leaned his frame on the lamp post and had his eyes closed. Underneath the forming bruises on that face, Ryosuke could see the features composing the being in a propotional unity. Somehow, his memory awaken; about a cold delinquent in his school who always had bruises and injuries in his body... although he would not expect that he was apparently smaller and shorter...

"You're that Chinen Yuri the little devil?!" Curse his spontaneous response.

The little one shot his eyes opened. Annoyance flared upon his black orbs. "Shut up, Chibi."

A vein popped up on Ryosuke's forehead. "Oi! That's rude! You don't even taller than me!"

"Same goes to you," the latter huffed, closing his eyes back while one of his arm clutched his other arm.

Ryosuke wanted to fight back, but seeing the painful look covered the other boy, he restrained himself. Carefully, he examined the figure beside him. He used to see that figure from afar. Without a meaningful distance, he noticed many things he never did before: the delinquent was literary small and bony, that made him frail despite the rumours.

"Are you alright?" Whether it come from his worry or pity, he could not decide. All he knew, he could not stand seeing the poor being in front him. "Can you stand? I can carry you back home, you know?"

Yuri opened his eyes. His gaze was unexpectedly soft, though it was still dark and somewhat... empty? Ryosuke knew something was undoubtly off that child when he heard his reply, "Can I go to your home?" His voice was weak, almost inaudible. "I don't think I can survive this night... That man comes home."

to be continued.

New chaptered yamachii fic! Yay~
Anychii, does anyone here can help me? I want to sell my work online, but I don't have credit card, no paypal account, and I don't want to use virtual credit card. I want our transaction to be simple as a piece of cake. But how? Lol. I googled and stumbled upon some sites but I don't find them quite useful.
Help ._.)/

Oh, and please enjoy the story and don't forget to leave your comment ne

genre: hurt/comfort, pairing: yamada/chinen, rating: r

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