Fortune Driver~Chapitre #1

Jan 24, 2012 14:52

Title: Fortune Driver
Author: chibicorvus
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Yamada Ryosuke/Chinen Yuri
Genre: romance, supernatural
Summary: Chinen's sky high voice had broken due to his growth. He felt shy to people, and barely speak. Yamada appeared as the God of Fortune, giving him a luck that people would think Chinen's broken voice is cute.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, but the story.
Type: Three-shot
Warning: This is my first English fanfiction, so please bear with the grammar and vocabulary thingy XD Anyway, comments are highly appreciated.

That day supposed to be the ordinary day. A little boy walked to the backyard of his school building. There, lied an old wooden building. Its size was smaller than the school building's. The sound of the door opened creeped him out at the first time he found this building several days ago. It was the third time he entered the building where no one was around. The young boy's eyes widened as he saw the entire interior of the building; it seemed that he had intrude the soundly sleep of a theater. He vaguely remembered the issue spread by his friends, that long time ago, the school was rich enough to have a theater building. Then, it must be it.

The small boy walked through the aisle that divided the tribune into two. His every foot step created creepy sounds, but like he cared. It had already been the third time he came to such place. None of his friends would bother themselves to join his adventurous hobby. Although, it was not like he was doing one. That shy little boy -his appearance often disguised him as a girl, along with that pouty pink lips and long eyelashes- only wanted a place where no one would bully him. Yes, since the very first time he entered the high-school, Chinen Yuri hadn't spoke a single word to everyone. He hardly spoke on his own intention. He majorly used hand and body language signal to communicate with others. Those probably what irritate his schoolmates.

The boy climbed the stage and stood still for a moment. He closed his eyes, breathed in and breathed out. Earphones plugged onto his ears, filling the atmosphere with joy as the hip hop musics played. Backing the audience, not opening his eyes, he dove his own realm where that theater was majestic. The lights shone on him. The music track listed for the audiences. Everyone sang together, he made a dance movements. The stage indeed too big for his body size. It allowed him to jump here and there, even to make five-loop backflip.

"Sā Fly high Habatake sora e maiagari-kaze ukeyou," sang the boy, spreading his arms widely and turns as he flew through the big sky.

As he did so and consciously opened his eyes, he found a silhouette of another boy standing on one of the chairs in front of the stage. That shocking moment stopped Chinen from his little performance, threw him back to sanity. There, Chinen was standing, nervous, as the other boy walked down the aisle, smirked.

"Why did you stop?" he asked.

Chinen glanced away, bitting his lower lip.

"That was pretty cool, y'know."

That boy had chubby cheeks, Chinen could finally see him better after that person got enough sunlight shower that invaded the building through the leaking roof. Chinen's eyes also caught the honey-dyed hair of his. "... Since when?" the small boy could barely ask.

That other boy raised his brows. His smirk reappeared. Chinen got the feeling like he would be teased. "I have been here since the very first time. It's your fault that you did not recognize my presence."

Chinen struggled not to get angered. What's with that attitude!

"You barely speak to other people," the boy caught a glimpse of Chinen's puzzled expression and climbed to the same stage. "Was it an honor to hear your voice just now?"

Chinen blinked. Right, he was not being cautious of his acts. He had premonition that nothing would turn good after his meeting with this guy. The little boy stepped backward, maintaining the distance between them. That strange person gave him uneasy feelings.

The long silence following their conversation tickled the guy who step forward. "Why do you keep silent? Your voice is cute, though."

Chinen's brows curved downward. But still, no answer.

The chubby-cheeked boy teased the smaller boy with his glance, "You're too cute." He enjoyed the physical response Chinen made: those widened eyes filled by the fear of him. "Cute like an angel."

"Who... are... you...?" Chinen's lips uttered a cracked voice, that let out small chuckle from the honey-dyed boy.

"Me? What if I'm telling you that I am God?"

"Don't joke around..."

"What if-" as Chinen's heels hit the edge of the stage, the said guy grinned wider as he would let out a loud laugh. He drew his face closer to the small guy and continued, "-it was not a joke? What if," he landed a peck on Chinen's trembling lips, "-I am being serious?" He straighted his body and smiled, cheered as Chinen's face all turned red. It reminds him of his favourite fruit: a strawberry. "See? You're cute."



WHUMP! Noises came out from as both boys fell down from the stage. "Itte..." one of them groaned as the other fell on him. Chinen gasped and straightly rushed backward, letting older boy sat up. "Be careful of your steps, dear little boy," the latter stroke his injured head. "What is your name?"

Chinen stayed still, while hugged his legs in his arms. He glared at the strange guy and said no word. The chubby guy bursted out laughing. "You didn't think that I was being serious, did you? Alright, you can call me by my human name," that boy bloomed a smile, "Yamada Ryosuke."

That smile was different from the previous ones. The uneasy feelings was lifted up as Chinen saw that smile. Why was that, he wondered.

"... Chinen," the little boy could not believe that he uttered his name by his own mouth. Usually he would let people see his name tag on his school blazer. "Chinen... Yuri..."

"I see," Yamada Ryosuke smiled even cuter. He squated in his position in front of Chinen, laid his hands on his knees. "So, Chinen. I know you hardly speak to people because you're affraid that people would hate your broken voice."

Chinen lifted up his chin, looked at the said boy.

"I am aware that people hate speech, so I will make it shorter," Yamada exhaled a big sigh and continue, "Broken voice appears as a sign of the growing-up boy. You don't have to be affraid of loosing your sky high voice-of course I know, I am God!" He did not let Chinen cut his speech. "Okay-you don't believe me, then I'll just make you do. If you let people hear your voice, when you speak or sing, people will love it. They will love your voice."

That words supposed to be a challenge. But Chinen did not feel so. He felt something warm covered his tiny body. It did felt like... the God blessed him a fortune.

"I'm giving you this fortune," Yamada smiled once again, as he stood up and walk sideward.

Chinen jumped up and ran away, tracking the aisle. He could still hear Yamada's voice as he reached the door, "The rest is up to you, Chinen Yuri. I blessed you a good luck." But when he tugged himself out of the theater building and peeked in before he let the door closed with a loud bang, he did not see a single one person inside. Even a glimpse of him. As the school bell rang, Chinen ran across the school backyard, back to his class. A giant question mark was drawn on his face about that Yamada Ryosuke guy who claimed himself as God. Also the fortune joke. Were those for real? Or Yamada was actually his sempai who couldn't bear himself from teasing the little Chinen?

[to be continued]

genre: romance, pairing: yamada/chinen, genre: supernatural, rating: pg-13

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