Evil genkiness...

Dec 11, 2003 01:53

Ok, so I give Prince of Tennis a break for a few days, right? Suddenly I decided that enough is enough and it's time to get back to watching sexy animated boys slapping balls around. I'd forgotten that the next boy up for a match was Fuji Syusuke. Now, I'll be the first to admit that Fuji kinda creeped me out from the very beginning. I mean, it's unnatural to be that damn cheerful. So, despite the fact that all my instincts were telling me to skip episode 62, I went ahead and watched it anyway. I've learned a very valuable lesson.

Fear the evil genkiness.

This is the most important thing I've gotten out of the entire viewing experience. Do not question the wisdom of that knowledge. Do not ignore it. It may just save your life one day. Or, at the very least, your pride.

Now, before I get back to watching PoT, I'll make one last comment. I don't know if it's just my (admittedly filthy) mind playing tricks on me, but... Does Fuji seem way beyond obssesed with his otouto to anyone else? I mean, I understand wanting to look out for your little brother, but he just takes things to a completely different level. Ah, well... At least I finally understand the reason behind those references in that fanfic I was reading a while back. (The one called "Wankage".) Fuji-cest, anyone? *grin*

And on that rather disturbing note, I'm off to watch more PoT. Bai!

Edit (2:48am): Waii!!! Episode 64 has chibi's!!! Sooooo cute!!!


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