First entry of 2011... and I'm already telling myself I'm an idiot. XD; LMAO what a great start!
It's a funny story, actually. I wanted to clean my external hard drive a bit and delete any unnecessary files... and I really don't know how I did this, but I accidentally gave my computer permission to delete ALL the files in my external hard drive. Just, HOW COULD I DO THIS. I've been using computers since I was a little kid, for goodness' sake. I practically grew up surrounded by computers and all sorts of technological stuff and then I do THIS. I am such an epic fail. XD;
Fortunately, I managed to stop this process before everything got deleted and now I am recovering all my deleted files thanks to a software I downloaded yesterday night. But still, I need to recover ALL the movies/anime/TV shows I had downloaded and that I needed to watch - and that's A LOT of files. So yeah, if you don't see me around these days, it's because I'm busy recovering all my files. XD; It will take a few days, I'm afraid.
You know, I'm not angry or sad because of this, though. Of course, I keep telling myself that it was a really stupid thing to do, and recovering all those files is a pain, but I'm pretty relaxed. 8D; Probably because I know I haven't completely lost them. And yeah, I was stupid because I hadn't noticed my computer was ~happily~ deleting all my "unnecessary" files, but I was smart enough to think of a solution to recover all of them, so that... comforts me a bit. XD; Now I just laugh at my stupidity when I think about it, so DON'T WORRY, guys, my files are being recovered and I haven't lost anything extremely important. :D
On a happier note, I spent two lovely days with my parents. ♥ My mother's cooking was exceptional and we ate a lot of fish, as usual. Then we watched some movies - Benvenuti al Sud (literally, 'Welcome to the South'), an Italian film about a man who had to go work near Naples (my city ♥) and it was really funny! XD My parents and I laughed a lot and we loved it. I also felt a bit nostalgic while watching it - it made me realize how much I miss Naples and how much I love it. ♥ And then today my parents watched a movie with Denzel Washington - Men on Fire. I watched the first half of the movie, but then it got violent and since I don't like violent movies that much, I decided to stop watching it. XD; It was good, though! I enjoyed it. My mother really likes Denzel Washington and I think he did a good job in this movie, too.
Oh, I also watched a movie on my own on New Years! (That was before I deleted all my files. XD) I stayed up late watching the fireworks and after those I kinda felt in the mood to watch a movie and, since I had recently finished *coughdownloadingcough* it... I watched Iron Man 2!! ♥ Oh gosh, I loved it!
Some scenes had me laughing like crazy! XD Like the one where he needs his armor and Pepper has it and she can't give it to him because she's in the car and the car is going back and forth and back and forth! XD LOL! Or, that scene where he needs to talk to Pepper, but he can't because there's that thing on Pepper's desk that is distracting him! XDD And I was like, 'I WANT THAT THING ON MY DESK, TOO' LOL. XD And... THAT KISS. ♥ I WAS EXPECTING IT SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE MOVIE. I love Tony/Pepper so much. ♥
... oh, and, let me get this straight. THERE IS GOING TO BE A THIRD MOVIE, TOO? ASDFGHJKLASDFGHJKL I AM EXCITED. ♥ I can't wait for it!
And that's all for today! I hope all had a great start of the year! ♥ :D