♫ don't let go, never give up, it's such a wonderful life

Aug 30, 2010 19:50

Hiya, guys! I haven't been really active on eljay lately, sorry about that! I'm very busy these days because I'm in the process of revamping/converting my fanlistings and it takes a lot of time (more info over at alieterne, for those interested).

The weather has been absurdly weird these days. First it's sunny, then it's cloudy, then sunny again and then, all of a sudden, it starts raining heavily. Today, too, there was another thunderstorm this morning when I woke up until after lunchtime and now it's super sunny. WTH WEATHER PLEASE STAY SUNNY. I don't like this weather.

My mother bought a movie on DVD a couple of days ago - Hachiko, the one with Richard Gere. So we watched it. It wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, because I ended up crying my heart out for half the movie and then clung to my kitty cat like there's no tomorrow (and she licked my nose as to say, 'It's alright, I'm here.' Awww, my sweet Milu! ♥). I am such a crybaby when it comes to dramatic movies. Especially those about animals. I guess having animals has made me more sensible about these kind of things. My mother cried a lot, too. And the most absurd thing is that I knew it was gonna make me cry, because I knew the story of Hachiko because I played TWEWY, but I watched it anyway. Talk about how to consciously hurt yourself. XD

Well, now it's meme time! I've been tagged by mist_ball 8D

If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new question.
Tag eleven people. Don’t refuse to do that. Don’t tag who tagged you.

What song are you currently addicted to?
Wonderful Life by Hurts, which is also the song I'm listening to right now. I watched the video on MTV one day when I was trying to do something to overcome by boredom and the video of this song came up. I love the lyrics of this song. ♥

What's your favourite season?
SUMMER. ♥ It's the season I was born, after all. XD Nah, that's not the only reason. The weather is warm and sunny and you can go to the beach and there's no school and and and - yeah, okay, you get the picture. XD

What’s the latest movie you watched?
On DVD, as I said, it was Hachiko. While the last movie I watched at the cinema is... Sex & the City 2, lol XD

What is the one skill you wish you had?
One skill, eh? Well... maybe I'd like to be able to memorize things. I'm terrible at it.

What’s your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
I have too many! XD I guess... Vocaloid? I was into it a lot less than a month ago, but now my obsession for it has faded a bit. Right now I'm not obsessed with anything, I guess. XD woah, that's an event

What's your favourite musical instrument?
The piano. ♥ I'm in love with pianos, really. I know how to read notes and I know the basics. I can play it a little bit, too. I wish I could play it better and in the future I definitely want to learn more, but right now that'll have to wait. On a side note, I can play the flute. :3 (I was actually forced to learn how to play the flute in secondary school by our crazy music teacher.)

What web sites do you always visit when you go online? What are you reading at the moment?
Well, the meme said I could replace any question I didn't like, so there. XD I've started reading The Interpretation of Dreams by S. Freud. no, I was not influenced by my trip to Vienna, what are you talking about? In Italian, of course, I could never read it in German. I would need a dictionary every five minutes. XD; Anyway, it's really interesting. It's a bit difficult at times, but I'm doing my best to understand it all. I should also finish reading Moby Dick, which I have started earlier this year. I bought it in English and I like it a lot so far, but gawd, sometimes the language is just difficult. But I'm doing my best here, too.

What was the last thing you bought?
Shiny new winter clothes for university! :D

If you won 10,000 bucks today, what would you do with it?
Pay university with those, give some to my parents, buy whatever I wanted and save some for the future.

Favorite time of day?
Sunrise & sunset. Call me a hopeless romantic, but I love to see the sun rise in the early morning and go down in late evening. The colors of the sky are so unique at those times of day, I could spend hours watching them.

What's the last thing that made you happy?
The new layout I made for the Fujimoto & Kobato fanlisting. It always makes me happy when I make a layout that I like. <33

Do you want to learn another language?
Absolutely! I'd love to learn Japanese some day. ♥ Or Russian. Or any other Asian language. I should probably start learning French seriously, too. XD I can speak and understand some of it, but I don't know it like I know English or German. So yeah, French, too. I love learning new languages~

Five things you can’t live without.
Sun, music, friends, Milu (my cat) and my computer.

I don't know who to tag! So yeah... feel free to snag this meme if you see it! :D

And now let's catch up on the Gossip Girl meme!

Day 01 - Your favourite character
Day 02 - Your least favourite character
Day 03 - Your favourite episode
Day 04 - Your least favourite episode
Day 05 - Your favourite guest-star
Day 06 - Your least favourite guest-star
Day 07 - Your favourite scene
Day 08 - An episode you’ve seen more than once (or twice…)
Day 09 - Your favourite Gossip Girl quote
Day 10 - Your OTP (one true pairing)
Day 11 - Your favourite funny scene
Day 12 - A scene that makes you sad/cry
Day 13 - A scene that makes you angry
Day 14 - Favourite male character
Day 15 - Favourite female character
Day 16 - Your favourite Gossip Girl friendship
Day 17 - Your favourite kiss
Day 18 - A pairing you can’t stand
Day 19 - Something you wish had never happened

Day 20 - Your favourite OMFG moment
Season 2, Episode 2, OH MY EFFIN' GOD!
Yeah, you know which scene I'm talking about. XD It's the only one that came to my mind, really, so I'm putting it here!

Day 21 - Your favourite Gossip Girl song
Oh my. I have many. Creator and Shove It by Santogold, Season of Love by Shiny Toy Guns... those are just a few that come to my mind right now.

Day 22 - Your favourite crack ship (ie, Blair/Dan, Serena/Chuck, Blair/Serena)
DAN/BLAIR, ABSOLUTELY. They need to happen, sooner or later. They have a fantastic chemistry and they would be very interesting together. I think Dan/Blair is my favourite pairing after Chuck/Blair. Dan and Blair are like total opposites, but that's what makes them so great together. Seriously, I love to watch all the scenes with Dan and Blair, they're just awesome. ♥ I don't dislike the idea of Serena/Blair and Chuck/Nate, either.

Day 23 - Most annoying character
Well... sometimes Vanessa annoys me, but she's not that annoying. Jenny was the most annoying character in season 3, in my opinion.

Day 24 - Your favourite Blair one-liner
TOO MANY. XD This is probably the one I like the most:
Blair: "Do you know how hard it is to get revenge when your enemy is changing every five minutes?!"
Dorota: "Miss Blair, you should calm down. Here, you want some tea...?"
Blair: "No. I want Dan Humphrey's head on a platter."

...And she mentions Dan, too. No, I did not do that on purpose. Honest.

Day 25 - The character that is most like you
Day 26 - Your favourite on set picture
Day 27 - Your favourite cast picture
Day 28 - Your favourite Gossip Girl outfit
Day 29 - Your favourite season
Day 30 - Anything Gossip Girl related

films, meme, gossip girl, internet life, real life, tears

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