Oct 02, 2003 20:57

I just changed my screen resolution BACK to 1024x768 and jeez! Everything's bloody enormous! O_O But as much as I hate to admit it, my weak little eyes just don't do well with that tiny little text. That's so sad... but I guess with a 13" monitor, I should expect no less. *sighs*

I had a pretty nasty day, what I was awake for. Just general feelings of malaise and angst and sadness. This is, of course, after sleeping until 4. I just did not want to get out of bed today, and I didn't.

M*A*S*H today...

The first ep was classic, beautiful, the mumps one. Mmmmboy! Nothing is greater than a good Potter/Charles angerfest, and this was chock full of it. I so love that episode, because it makes you think on so many levels. And Klinger's so cute when he's trying to get away from Potter when he finds out that he's got the mumps. And OF COURSE the ending... couldn't it be possible that...*giggles* Sorry, fic bunny.

Okay. Second episode. Never seen it before, but yet, I *had* seen it before. Klinger got a letter in the mail. From Laverne. And she was leaving the guy she left Klinger for. FOR KLINGER'S BEST FRIEND. My GOD, that poor man can not get a break from that bitch! And in the episode where she left him, didn't he decide he didn't need her anymore and the hell with her? Well, not so much in this episode. He went into such a depression that Potter gave him some time off and he went and drunked himself into a stupor over it.

Meanwhile, some guy's shown up to encourage draftees to reenlist, which causes problems with a male nurse who's angry as hell that he wasn't given the same treatment as the female nurses when he was drafted. The enlistment guy is trying to get everybody to make the army a career, and he's directed to Klinger by Igor, who says he's down because he just got a "Dear Maxie" letter. (SUPREME squeeage from me.)

So, the guy goes over and gives Maxie (which Klinger told him not to call him because only Laverne ever called him that, DAMMIT. I had Num Num call him that in "Precipitation".) this whole spiel about how the army will never let him down and it's his best friend and all that shit, and *prepare for major head-slappage* Klinger says, "WHERE DO I SIGN?!?!?". Grarrg.

Okay, let's fastforward to battle of the career army vs the draftees. Potter gets everyone in his office to talk abou something "serious", and tells everyone not to laugh. And then, he begins talking about how they should consider making the army a career. Hawkeye, BJ and Charles practically fall off their chairs laughing. XD Margaret says she's interested in hearing what Potter has to say, and Hawkeye makes all these kissing noises and acts like a total jackass. Tee-hee.... XDD Finally Potter gives up and they all leave, except Hawkeye, who he tells to take over Klinger's job for awhile.

Of course, when they find out that Klinger reenlisted, Hawkeye and Potter are frantically following him around telling him to reconsider because he could be making a horrible mistake and all that shit, and the second Hawkeye leaves, Klinger runs into Potter's tent and like a moron says he wants to go through with it. Now, NO ONE should be surprised that he'd do this, because he's proven time and time again that he's impulsive and no matter what anyone says to him, if he gets an idea in his head to do something dumb, he's gonna do it and fuck everyone. Of course, he always changes his mind back when he gets to thinking about it, but I can't even count all the times he's decided to do something dumb against someone's advice.

So, Hawkeye's in his office and he tells Hawkeye that he's reenlisted. And Hawk's all "YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!??!". Surprised and the like. I mean, damn! Do you know this person or don't you?! And of course, NOW Klinger's having second thoughts because he's realized again that he doesn't need Laverne (urgh...) so Hawk runs into Potter's tent in a panic and basically gives him the "How could you, you know he's vulnerable!" thing.

Well, turns out that Potter gave him the wrong swearing-in speech (Yeah, Sherm. You fucken GO.) and he's actually been sworn in as President of the United States. A little bit WTFy, sure, but at least Potter knows how to deal with stuff. Tee-hee.

Okay, well, the male nurse dude gets a nice little ceremony where he's given the honorary rank of 1st lieutenant, yippee day. And to add... uh.. something to something, right in the middle of everything, Klinger shows up as what.. Lady Godiva on Sophie. XD Charles of course gets a nice line, "What is this disgusting spectacle?!" and uh... yeah. "Sir, this proves that I'm not fit to wear the army uniform! Or any uniform!" And Potter replies, "You're impeached!".

So, the ending... do we ever find out exactly what becomes of the draftees whose time is almost up? Well, no. Does Klinger reenlist? No clue, but he doesn't seem to go anywhere. Maybe in the episode after that we find out? Or is it just left hanging? No. Clue.

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