Chibiterasu Background

Apr 28, 2011 20:14

Chibiterasu appeared in Yakushi Village, where he found a Poncle, called Issun, being harassed by a pair of Imps and rescued him. Shortly after, the sky went dark, distressing Issun who had a bad feeling. He mentioned that if Amaterasu were there she would have gone to the highest point of the village and called back the sun. Chibiterasu did just that, giving light back to the village. When asked if he was Amaterasu’s kid, he responded with a yes and Issun revealed that he had been Amaterasu’s Celestial Envoy…not that it meant much to Chibi.

Concerned about what was going on, Issun said they should go see Sakuya, a Wood Sprite that lived in the Konohana tree in Kamiki Village nearby. On the way, they encountered several people who couldn’t see Chibi’s god markings, Issun saying many people could not.

They traveled to Kamiki together to meet Sakuya who at first mistook Chibi for his mother, but then took a great liking to him in a similar manner. She told them that the demons were a precursor to a greater evil that threatened the land. Issun was ready to help Chibi in this new adventure, but Sakuya told him he had to carry on as Celestial Envoy and could not go with the pup.

The sky grew dark again and sinister clouds formed above the village, a thunderbolt striking Konohana, damaging the tree greatly and dealing a fatal blow to Sakuya as a result. Issun’s brush skills couldn’t restore the tree and when he pleaded with Chibi to fix it, the pup barked until the constellation for Yomigami appeared in the sky. Activating it called down two young brush gods known as the Young Yomigami, who said that like their parent had assisted the Sun Goddess, they wanted to lend Chibi their power, granting him the brush technique, Rejuvenation.

Using the new technique, Chibi was able to restore the tree and Sakuya, but not the cherry blossoms, so she had no power. Issun opted to help Chibi find a suitable partner for his journey before leaving him on his own, but the villagers had all been turned to stone. Checking out Shinshu Field just outside the village revealed that the entire area had become a cursed zone. Returning to the village, they went to the Sun Deck so Chibi could call back the sun, freeing the villagers at least.

Susano, a descent of a great hero and a hero in his own right, had blocked the entrance to the village with a giant boulder to keep everyone safe. He also seemed to recognize Chibi from somewhere, expressing relief and happiness at seeing him, though the pup didn’t recognize him…much to the old warrior’s dismay. But unable to leave the village, Issun suggested they look around more.

They came across a little girl who was crying and, in trying to find out what was wrong, met Susano’s son, Kuni. Chibi took an immediate liking to the young warrior, though Kuni didn’t seem to know what to make of him…especially because of his markings. Ignoring Chibi for a moment, Kuni asked the girl what was wrong.

It turned out that demons had stolen the girl’s mirror, which Kuni agreed to get back with some prompting from Issun. Issun then left Chibi in his care as a partner before heading off. Kuni, took Chibi to the Cave of Nagi inside Konohana to see if he was really partner potential, commenting on how sitting on Chibi’s back gave him a sense of déjà vu. The Cave of Nagi was full of demons, so they had to learn how to fight as a team. They also came across a statue of the brush god, Michigami, and Chibi got the technique Guidance from the Young Michigami, allowing him to guide those with pure hearts.

Working their way further in brought them to the statue of Nagi and, after adding a flower to the statue’s sword since Kuni thought the statue was supposed to be his dad, Chibi was granted the Power Slash technique from the children of Tachigami.

Outside again, Kuni decided that Chibi was a good partner and needed a name…deciding on Mutt, because he didn’t know whether the pup was a dog or wolf. Then Kuni tried to go home, but Chibi wouldn’t let him back out on his promise to get the girl’s mirror. They gave Susano some sake to make him fall asleep, and then combined forces to cut the boulder in two so that they could leave the village.

With Shinshu Field still cursed, the only way for them to go was toward Hana Valley. But the gate handle was broken and they couldn’t turn it even after Chibi fixed it. They tried asking the Nameless Man, who lived nearby, for help but he wouldn’t and couldn’t open the gate for them., stating it was too dangerous because Hana Valley was full of demons He even noted seeing a small shiny demon float through the gate, which Kuni realized must have been the mirror.

Susano arrived, having been worried about Kuni and tried to take them back to the village, but after seeing how determined Kuni was to get the girl’s mirror back, he opened the gate so that they could enter Hana Valley. Before they went, he told Kuni that if he got into any trouble to come straight back.

They made their way through the Valley, which was now infested with evil, finding the Sakigami statue, which let Chibi meet Young Sakigami and obtain the Bloom brush technique, which would let him cause any plant to grow instantly and eliminate small cursed zones. Unfortunately, this wasn’t enough to revive Hana Valley’s Guardian Sapling, which they found further in. Using a special crystal ball, they were able to partially restore the tree, but still couldn’t make it bloom. Kuni realized a powerful evil must still be around for them to not be able to revive the tree.

A hole opened in the ground nearby, leading the pair to an underground pond near the tree’s roots. A large frog demon resided there and was responsible for stealing the Sapling’s power by eating the Guardian Fruits it bore. He boasted that only a descendant of Nagi could ever have a chance against him, and challenged Kuni tauntingly upon hearing that he was Susano’s son. Kuni gave into his fear and fled, admitting that he wasn’t really Susano’s son, and Chibi was left alone to fight.

In fighting the demon, Chibi managed to make him spit up a Guardian Fruit on the othe side of the water by the Sapling’s roots. Kuni reappeared there, to Chibi’s glee, apologizing for leaving him alone and determined to fight alongside him. It became thus, that Chibi would make the demon spit up the Fruits by fighting him, and then guide and defend Kuni while he returned them to the Sapling’s roots. Finally the demon was defeated, all the Fruit were returned, and Kuni got the mirror back as an evil of some sort absorbed the demon’s powers and flew off.

Before leaving Hana Valley, they revived the Guardian Sapling fully so it could finish cleansing the valley of evil.

Susano was still holding the gate open for them when they got back, relieved they were safe. Kuni was disappointed to find the mirror was broken, but Susano told him he had done all he could and should be proud…but there was nothing to do but explain to the girl what had happened.

Returning to Kamiki, Kuni apologized and gave back the mirror, but Chibi repaired it before she actually looked at it. The girl then transformed into Sakuya, who revealed the lost mirror had been a test of Chibi’s powers, before she fully lost hers. She went on to say that they were Nagi and Amaterasu’s successors and protecting Nippon was their destiny.

Using Bloom, Chibi restored the power of the Konohana tree, which then restored the village to normal. Sakuya thanked them, then told them that she sensed a great evil over on the Ryoshima Coast, asking them to also revive any Guardian Saplings they found on the way. Kuni opted not to tell his parents, who would only worry and try to stop him, and they left the village to head to the coast.

Before they got too far, Kuni confided in Chibi the little that he knew of his origin, being that Susano had saved him nine months ago and taken him in as his son. He didn’t know anything about where he originally came from and was hoping to remember more about his past as they journeyed. Issun also popped up to check on them, having been a bit worried. He mentioned that he was going into the city before moving on, though he was very vague on what he intended to do there.

The Shinshu Field cursed zone was still there, so to proceed they had to revive the Sapling there. As they looked around, they noted that there was S.O.S smoke coming from a house belonging to Tama, who made fireworks. He was very sick, but didn’t want to take any medicine from Yakushi Village for some reason. Figuring that he might take it if they brought him some, they went to see Dr. Redbeard, the village founder and best doctor around.

In Yakushi they met a little girl with an incurable disease who was really looking forward to the fireworks that went up at this time of the year. They also met Dr. Redbeard, whose home was full of demons. After they exterminated the demons and brought back the sun, he gladly made them medicine…until he found out it was for Tama.

It seemed that Tama had tried to take some of his herbs to use for fireworks before. Dr. Redbeard felt that fireworks were just noise. Chibi and Kuni took him to the little girl and Kuni explained that she was looking forward to the fireworks because she may not live to see them again. Dr. Redbeard then gave them both the medicine, and some herbs for Tama to use in his fireworks.

At first Tama wouldn’t accept the medicine, but when he heard about the little girl he agreed to. Kuni and Chibi had to recover his stolen pyrotech stuff first, but he then made a great firework show for the girl. The final one caused the constellation for Bakugami to appear, and the Young Bakugami granted Chibi their ability to make Cherry Bombs.

That done, they headed for Agata Forest to continue on to the coast, finding the forest a big flooded cursed zone. Reviving the Sapling in the forest got rid of the curse and they were able to cross the water on fallen trees. They met Kokari and his dog, Ume, who were finishing for a monster catfish that had caused the forest to flood.

They also met Nanami, a mermaid who seemed to know Chibi, addressing him as Squiddy…though he didn’t know her. She was surprised that he wasn’t travelling with the blonde boy that she’d apparently seen him with before. She was looking for a stolen treasure in the water, which they couldn’t help with and left her to it.

They met Madame Fawn, who read them their fortune, which involved using fairies to create a star and open a path to the treasure of the sea. She then gave them a white cloth that she said would soon come in handy.. She also warned of an unavoidable goodbye in their future.

As it got dark, they noticed five fairies floating over the water in a circle, and Chibi used them to draw a star with the Celestial Brush. A portal opened, which he tossed a hesitant Kuni into before going in as well, landing in the Demon Market.

Using the white cloth to make demon masks, they were able to sneak into a special tournament where a mermaid, Nanami, was the prize. Realizing they had to save her, they entered and won the contest.

Nanami on seeing Kuni, didn’t want anything to do with them, because a human caught and offered her as a sacrifice to the giant catfish in the first place, so she believed all humans only cared about themselves. In trying to move the giant fishbowl she was trapped in, Kuni lost his mask and they were found out.

The Witch Queen, the demon in charge of the market, attacked them out of anger that they had snuck into her market. They knocked her out temporarily but were surrounded by demons, so Kuni told Chibi to take Nanami and escape, which he did reluctantly. Kuni caught up with them at the portal, but they couldn’t get out. A fishing line dropped down, and when they grabbed it, they were pulled out by Kokari, whose rod was snapped in the process. Madame Fawn had told him that by dropping his hook there he could save the mermaid.

When Nanami confirmed it had been Kokari who caught and sacrificed her in the first place, he admitted that the other residents forced him to do it, saying it was for the best and ignored his protests because he was a kid. But he knew it was no excuse and apologized, but Nanami refused to forgive him…until Kuni pointed out that Kokari had been so sorry he’d even broken the fishing pole his dad had given him, something he really treasured, to save her.

Just then, then giant catfish demon appeared, swallowing Kuni and swimming off into a sunken pagoda. Knowing they had to save him, Chibi and Nanami teamed up to follow it. They made their way through, Nanami using paths Chibi couldn’t to make the way passable for him, and Chibi was able to meet both Young Nuregami, from whom he learned Waterspout, and Young Tsutagami, who taught him Vine.

They confronted and beat the catfish, who seemed to believe he was a carp who could become a dragon. Kuni forced his way out, having brought Nanami’s treasures, the Wet Jewel and Dry Jewel, but the demon refused to give up, even after Nanami drained the water away with the Dry Jewel. Kuni and Chibi dealt it several fatal blows, but before it died, the catfish caused the flooded forest to drain, sweeping them all out to sea.

Kuni saved Chibi from a speeding log, and then, when Chibi grabbed him so they wouldn’t be separated, thanked him for being a good partner…and then bashed the pup away with his sword so he wouldn’t be swept out to sea too. Chibi later woke alone on the beach in the cursed zone that was Ryoshima Coast.

He was able to locate and revive the Guardian Sapling that protected the area, clearing away the curse and allowing him to make his way into Sei-an City, looking for Kuni along the way. The city was overrun by an evil presence and while wandering the city, he came across a girl being attacked by demons. He came to her aid, but rather than thank him she was a bit of a pest. But she could see his god markings and figured other dogs probably bullied him for being different, being surprised when he indicated otherwise. Then she more or less demanded he take her to the playhouse she and her family ran, naming him Pooch.

The playhouse had been taken over by demons and the entrance locked, so they had to look elsewhere for an entrance. Along the way, they found a little girl being attacked by demons and saved her. When she thanked them and cheerfully pointed out that Kagu must’ve gotten a strong dog like Chibi to work for her because she wasn’t normal, Kagu got noticeably downcast for a moment.

A ghost nearby noticed that Kagu could see him and taught them about using Spirit Floors, which only people with a special gift could see. Chibi didn’t have it, but could borrow it when Kagu was on his back. The Spirit Floor that was near the ghost helped them reach the rear entrance to the playhouse and they went in to find it apparently deserted.

They found a letter to Kagu from her father, telling her to escape because the playhouse couldn’t be saved, but she wasn’t about to. While they investigated the building a possessed stagehand and a pair of demons ambushed them. Kagu repelled them with an electrical barrier and they were able to free the stagehand from the demons’ influence. Kagu threatened Chibi if he told anyone what he’d seen her do…enough that he didn’t hesitate to do as she said.

The stagehand told them that demons came and captured everyone, lead by a demon who behaved as though it were a big name actor. Using this knowledge, Kagu planned to lure it out by setting up for a play. The stagehand led them downstairs…where a giant gear almost crushed them. Kagu’s barrier saved them, but she couldn’t hold it for long and Chibi saved them. Rather than thank him, Kagu yelled at him for waiting until the last second to help/ When the stagehand started to ask about the power she used, she threatened him to make sure he didn’t tell anyone.

The stagehand couldn’t get the set in place by himself, so Kagu took Chibi to find the other stagehands, who were also possessed, freeing them all and sending them to help. In the process, they found the Moegami statue and the Young Moegami granted Chibi the Inferno technique.

The stage was set up, but the demon didn’t appear and one of the stagehands suggested that maybe if they freed the audience from upstairs it would show. So they did so, finding the head miko, Miko Cho, among the prisoners. Chibi took to her immediately, but her holy powers were completely drained and she couldn’t help them.

When she saw how determined Kagu was to help everyone, she gifted her with a miko dress to use should she need it. With everyone saved except Kagu’s parents, they went back to the stage where they were confronted by the demon actor, Sen. He fought them in a giant stage doll, but Kagu was able to see its weak points and they defeated it…only to be attacked by Sen’s partner, Ryo. He also used a puppet, but when he found that Kagu could see its weak points he knocked her out and took her from Chibi. Realizing he couldn’t defeat Ryo without Kagu’s power, Chibi stunned the puppet long enough to save her and they defeated Ryo.

But then both demons combined forces in a much more powerful puppet and Kagu lost the will to fight. Rather than see her hurt, Chibi defended her, taking serious damage in the process, but kept getting up to defend his new friend until she finally realized what she had to do.

Kagu donned the miko dress and used the holy powers she’d been born with to help Chibi fight, finishing off the demons and exorcizing their puppet with her Dance of Exorcism and Chibi’s godly power. The dyning demons apologized to King Fury for failing and the same being as before absorbed their energy and flew off. Reunited with her parents, Kagu decided not to reject her powers anymore.

Since the playhouse was back to normal, they went to see Miko Cho. She was concerned about the evil still present all over the city. She’d made a prayer slip that could defeat the curses, but without her powers was unable to perfect it. Kagu offered to use it in her stead, and she and Chibi purified the commoners’ quarters.

An apparition of King Fury appeared as they were heading back to Miko Cho, and Kagu’s powers were no match. When Chibi tried to jump and attack him, he was knocked out temporarily. When he came to, King Fury was gone, leaving a shaken Kagu. Kagu decided to take the step to become a miko so she could stand up to King Fury.

While Miko Cho made preparations, Kagu asked Chibi to hang out with her a little longer. While wandering the city, Chibi spotted a familiar-looking boy and, certain it was Kuni, tried to approach him. It wasn’t, but a boy who had stolen medicine from Dr. Bluebeard, Dr. Redbeard’s brother. Dr. Bluebeard arrived and scolded the boy, who admitted to needing it for his mother but not having the money to buy it.

After scolding him for not just explaining it, Dr. Bluebeard gave the kid the medicine and he promised never to steal again. Dr. Bluebeard then thanked Kagu and Chibi for making it possible for him to talk to the boy, promising to give them some herbs later.

They continued on to Queen Himiko’s palace, which had been turned into a shrine to train young mikos after her death. Here, Chibi had to say goodbye, as Kagu wouldn’t be able to see anyone for quite some time while she trained.

No sooner than he left, a blonde kid appeared in front of him, using a strange way of speaking and claiming to sense a connection between them…right before jumping uninvited onto his back. Some guards were after the kid so Chibi retreated to the commoners’ quarters, where he learned that this boy, Kurow, had apparently landed on the Ryoshima Coast on a falling star. Chibi wasn’t too impressed with this kid, though Kurow seemed pretty keen on keeping him company.

An exhausted scholar passed them and collapsed, and in checking on her, they learned that King Fury was a Sei-an citizen who had died awhile and was back and looking for something in the ruins that were found where Kurow’s falling star landed…and when she fled she’d abandoned the inventor, Gen, in danger.

Quite taken by the beautiful face, Kurow volunteered to go to the ruins and save Gen for her, recruiting Chibi on the spot to go too. Chibi reluctantly agreed and Kuro decided he’d call him dude…or boy if he felt like it. They set off for northern Ryoshima, but the gate at the border was on fire…a problem easily solved with Waerspout.

On the way, they detoured and found the grave of the man now known as King Fury. Kurow realized that they were just the same and what King Fury was after, so they rushed to the ruins. Kurow was able to get them to the entrance because of his ability to float across gaps.

Issun was coming out, having apparently found something useful. He was glad to see Chibi, reassuring him that he’d find Kuni again. He didn’t take to well to Kurow at first, confusing him for Waka’s brother, though Kurow didn’t know Waka. Finally he gave them some history scrolls that could come in handy before mentioned he needed to find Gen and heading for the city…he was gone before they could tell him Gen was in the ruins.

Shortly after entering, they found the “falling star” that Kurow arrived in, which was actually a Moon Tribe ship. Kurow told him he’d been sent to Nippon for some purpose, but even he didn’t know what it was and was just killing time until he figured it out.

They made their way through the ruins, Kurow’s pendant helping open some paths, and eventually came across a series of computer terminals, Chibi wanted to know what was on them, having never seen such a thing but Kurow told him not to touch…Chibi didn’t listen though, simply copying Kurow’s typing motions on a nearby terminal, and pulling up a message involving a doll that had been made to protect people. The monitor blew out before they got the full message, and neither of them was able to bring it back.

Exploring the ruins further, led them to the Kyokugami statue, where Chibi got the Magnetism technique, which could be used to draw certain magnets together or force them apart. They also found some wings that Kurow took to be able to fly around. A powerful electrical current blocked their path further in so they left for the time being.

The cause of the current was a big thundercloud that hovered over the ruins, raining a constant stream of lightning bolts down onto it. Kurow suggested they fly up and try to stop the electricity, but the winds were so powerful that they were blown off course and crashed in Agata Forest. Chibi smashed his head on a tree and dreamed of Kuni, who told him that he had some things to take care of and Chibi should handle things on his end and they would definitely meet up again someday.

The crash made Kurow lose the wings they had found and Kokari suggested they see Madame Fawn for help. She couldn’t help them at first, as demons had stolen her fortune-telling equipment, but once they recovered it she offered to do their reading for free. Kurow asked if she might be able to tell him his purpose, but instead she gave them a fortune on recovering the wings.

Outside, it was getting dark and the spotted the five blue fairies, which Chibi used to open the Demon Market portal again. Using the fake imp masks they were able to go unnoticed and they found an odd Green Imp who had Kurow’s wings, but wouldn’t give them back. He challenged them to a fight, saying he’d return them if they won but he got Kurow’s clothes if they lost.

They won and the wings were returned, though a piece was missing. In searching for a new one they ended up in the presence of the Witch Queen, who was still recovering from Chibi’s last visit. One of the fans being used to fan her lost a feather and Kurow and Chibi managed to sneak over to get it, finding it passed as a replacement. Kazegami’s constellation appeared and Chibi learned the Galestorm technique from Young Kazegami. When Kurow suggested they mess with the fanning Imps to test it, their masks were also blown away and they were found out.

They fled from the Witch Queen, usung the wings to escape from the Market and set out for the Thundercloud which was home to the Thunders. A group of these gods were having a jam session to send electricity into the ruins for Gen and were unwilling to listen to Chibi and Kurow until they proved their love of music to them. In doing so the Gekigami constellation appeared and Young Gekigami granted Chibi the Thunderstorm technique.

The Thunders gave them a thunder drum to protect them from the electric current before sending them down to the ruins. The scholar had returned to the ruins in her guilt, but they convinced her to wait for them while they saved Gen for her.

The drum protected them until they reached the powerful current, where it was destroyed in neutralizing it. They continued deeper into the ruins, finding Gen in a control room of sorts where the demons had been forcing him to fix everything. Gen was about to pull a lever, but realizing what it would do, Kurow stopped him and tried to smash it.

King Fury arrived to stop him, pulling a lever and activation the giant robot created by the Moon Tribe. Realizing it could wipe out Ryoshima and Sei-An, Kurow told Gen to escape and then he and Chibi went to deactivate it…which is to say that they climbed up to its head and Chibi fought King Fury mostly alone to cover Kurow while he deactivated the robot.

They succeeded in that and rescuing Kagu from within King Fury, and then Chibi was able to exorcize the evil possessing King Fury and ease his spirit before it passed on. Afterwards, Kurow and the scholar went to fix the grave, so Chibi and Kagu went to check on the city.


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