Theatre Journal Entry 1 GET

Sep 10, 2009 11:35

So...aside from random odds and ends I will be posting about my Realism class on my journal twice a week. I'm a little behind, but it's ok!

Realism is technically the Acting II class but with an actual focus. Act 1 doesn't really have one.

Anyway, I have Bob Hess as a teacher. Pretty cool fellow.

In the past few weeks we have explored body movements. I learned I move like a robot and have quick slash arm movements. I also need to work in moving around my boobage area. I never really had to, so that will be interesting. We worked on the Lodam way of movements. I'll go into that more later.

Today I have to create a 3 minute realistic movement piece. It's supposed to be some sort of mundane task that we would do everyday. For example...making a lunch. We are supposed to take our chosen task and not exactly re-inact it, but keep it realistic but theatrical at the same time? It's really confusing and I hope what I plan to do is correct. If not, well...I'll have to do some major impov. I suck at improv.
Anyway, I chose the task of playing some DDR. So I brought with me a pad, a glass to put water in, change of clothes (I plan to magically change clothes in my scene, a head band, and a PS2 controller and game case. The idea is we have to come into the space, then for some reason leave the space, then return to the space. So I decided I'll go out of the space to 'change' and get a glass of water. We are also supposed to have random obstacles in our way. Such as furniture or whatever. I figure I'll run into the side of a table or a chair...something I do often. I thought about maybe slipping on the DDR pad, but I really don't think I can make it look natural and not planned. I do believe I can do the whole 3 minutes no problem. Although to make sure I'm where I need to be I'm going to set an alarm on my phone so I know when the 3 minutes are up.  I can then use the alarm to act as if  someone has called  or texted me and finally finish the scene up.

I think it will work alright. I'm going to run through it a few times between class and work. I have an hour so that should be plenty of time.

I suppose we shall see!

Then after class I head straight to MEK. First meeting of the semester. Good times ahead hopefully :)
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