Title - Sometimes it's better not to know
Author -
chibiangel_chan Rating - PG13
Pairing - Gen
Characters - Haru, Gokudera
Warnings - OOC, Mention of Homosexual Relationships, Gokudera-ness (Swearing)
Summary - Prompt taken from
lingerosie “Give me back my book”
“What is it? You've been glued to this for days...”
“Give it to me. Now.”
“I'm just looking, I'll give it straight back after I've-oh my god!”
Note - Sorry, it's not that good and it's my first KHR fanfic. :)
Haru was worried about Gokudera. She knew that they always fought and that she was always being insulted by him, but that was exactly why she was so worried. Lately Gokudera hadn’t reacted at all when she was around. Just that afternoon, they were all at Tsuna’s house and Gokudera just sat there reading his book only getting up when Tsuna said he was thirsty.
She now saw him walking on the road reading the exact same book. Why is Gokudera-san so interested in that book? She thought while quietly trailing him, the book had the slip cover taken off so she couldn’t see the title properly. I guess I’ll find out by myself!
Haru sneaked up behind Gokudera and grabbed his book. “Give me back my book” Gokudera said, quite irritated but Haru thought he sounded a little desperate.
“What is it? You’ve been glued to this for days...” she replied.
“Give it to me. Now.” Haru didn’t think she had ever heard Gokudera be so firm, now she was really curious.
“I’m just looking, I’ll give it straight back after I’ve-oh my god!” Haru exclaimed. She stared at the book with wide eyes and looked like she was about to faint. “Hahi! G-Gokudera-san... why are you reading a book about h-h-h-homosexual intercourse!!!”
She couldn’t wrap her head around why Gokudera had such a book, it even had pictures. Haru didn’t have anything against homosexual relationships, she even supported them, but she thought she knew Gokudera better than that. And for him to be reading such books was unbelievable.
But all Gokudera had to say was “Fuck”.