I think I screwed up my right wrist. I pulled something during an event strike in October or something and it's given me a few problems every now and then. Pain, weakness, etc. Yesterday at work I must've aggravated it because I couldn't even put on a stupid latex glove without it hurting. Then after I went to bed I had to pop my wrist and it's still hurting like a motherbitch 8 hours later. I'm gonna eat some asprin before I go to the gym later. Last thing I need is for it to give out when I'm lifting.
Also, wrist pain fed a weird dream. As did the Travel Channel.
So I'm on AIM and I guess I was suddenly BFFs with Anthony Bourdain (I watched 3 or 4 episodes of No Reservations before I went to bed, hurrr). I guess I was having a short conversation with him, which died off quickly. Then I send a message to him like, "I think I fucked up my wrist. It really hurts" (harhar, wrist pain manifests in dream!) when I had meant to send it to Nathan. And I get no answer from Mr. Bourdain. I guess he blocked me or something.
I must've been half awake at this point because dream Shanners started to reevaluate why he's talking to me in the first place--mister well known food connoisseur & author vs random fan on internet--and realize that he probably doesn't want to hear about my wrist ouchie. Then there was some back story thrown in about how I IMed him one day about how much I like his show and he was nice about it, blah blah blah.
Fast forward to a few weeks later and I IM him again and he's unblocked me. Starts off with "your show is great. I'm an animator, I have an idea for one of those parental advisory bumps at the start of each segment, etc etc." He responds and thanks me and then I wake up.
I may have to avoid watching that Bizarre Foods mini-marathon tonight because I DO NOT want a dream inspired by that.
And here I am. I'm going to go jog, work on some freelance stuff, go to Joanne's, and then work on my stupid costume. AND YER DONE.
Edit: BOOYEAH, LEVEL UP! Even with a bum wrist I was able to go up in weight. +10 LB to bench, +5 to every free weight exercise!... Except for two 'cause my wrist couldn't handle bending a certain way. I've gained 2 pounds as well but that's to be expected. Hot damn, I'm excited.