Arg... I is sick

Sep 09, 2007 20:39

            Annnnnd I'm back! So i have had a pretty interesting few days. Baked chocolate chip scones, went to a Slavik ritual, met some awesome peoples, cold a cold from my sister Kaela....thanks Kaela ^_^ And now i am stuck in Okami (ps2 video game), drinking Yogi green tea and eating some triscuits. Damn those blockheads in that game!! ::shakes fists of rage::
              So some very ineresting things have been happening, not good or bad.....just interesting. I'd share but since i am sick i have this habbit of brining up one with and then it'll make me something totally unrelated. Like when i mentioned Okami, i thought of my mom and her friend playing some weird video game in CT....happened over the summer. OH! i am kinda convinced i have ADD. And i should go to the doctor for my heart condition but ...::shrugs:: maybe when i get home. I feel so random. I think it's the fever. 
            Some man just screamed outside "Ahhhh my balls" . I thought i should share. I need to clean my room so badly but i am too ill, so instead i will watch anime. If i have the strength to do that.  I hope i don't have to miss class tomorrow. but i might have to . Tues are hella crazy days i will need to be well for it. Meow. ::sighs:: Ok enough of this obsure sick i have no idea what i am talking about entry. I will drink some tea and kick this colds ass! Then maybe stuudy a little...but only a little ^_^


p.s. did i mention i did get into yet another suny cortland musical? Fuck'em i dont care,i am too sick to care!!! ::rolls around in bed with tea in hand as if it were possible::
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