Some thinky thoughts

Jun 25, 2010 10:40

I've been thinking, and I know I've been mentioning it here and there in the past, but this kind of stuff needs to have it's own post once in a while when one needs to put more than a few lines or one paragraph or whatnot...and sometimes, it's a good thing to keep having posts like this; who knows, maybe one day they'll actually mean something.

That being said, I'm not quite sure this fandom as a whole can co-exist peacefully - there will likely always be a group of fans not happy with what Tokio Hotel does. There are sites where one can co-exist with other fans and actually manage a mostly peaceful relationship, but outside of voting, I seriously have my doubts about this fandom. Don't get me wrong - there's loads of amazing fans out there from all points in the fandom...give or take, but the point of the matter is that it's nigh impossible to exist amoung one another without disagreements or drama or what have you.

One group of fans may not like the fiction or the dirty photo manips running 'round. Some may argue that they're alienating their core fanbase by going English with their music - this one kind of irks me because I hardly believe they would do that considering they were the first to hear about them, but one can't expect to get through this world just by selling German music. While I'm sure it's possible, I would think it'd be a bit problematic to try and make it in the states considering many people wouldn't give them the time of day if they never sang in English...then again, their presence here in the states is practically non-existent due to several reasons and we as fans can only do so much before being seen as a pest or something.

However, when it really comes down to it, there's little in this fandom that we can all agree on as a whole, a united fandom as it were. I've been in a few fandoms and never have I seen one more divided or volitile than the Tokio Hotel fandom - it's actually rather amusing to me. At the same time, it's a real bother because if I go on any site, I'd have to watch what I say to prevent drama from happening or getting my arse reported for saying something this!

I'd love for this fandom to actually have a moot point where everybody can go and co-exist without any drama or wank...though if something like that actually existed, I think this fandom may implode. Not even LJ is safe from the chaos - no matter where one goes, wank and/or drama will always follow...especially in this fandom. It's best to just lurk around and remain blissfully unaware of what's going on. It's all part of the parcel that comes with being in this fandom...but I do so hate to be forced to watch what I say else get banned or whatever.

I'm sure I've said it before, but I like saying it to hopefully knock some sense into the whiners/complainers - Tokio Hotel will do what Tokio Hotel wants. I'm sure it's nice to get your whining and complaining and general bitching off your chest, but is it really worth starting drama over? Get into a dicussion, by all means, but politely pull out if they say something you don't like or try to diffuse it with you own reasoning and thusly keeping an amiable discussion going - causing wank and drama may be fun, but it just makes my brain hurt when I see it going on. I wish I could say that I had a place where I can get away from it, but this is the Tokio Hotel fandom and it's like I said'll always follow you no matter where you go.

Oh, and to whomever it may concern and I'm not pointing fingers, here - trying to make people see your reason by shoving it down their throats will only make the situation worse. Trying to ploy off without much reason behind your choice is also a bit of a bad thing - honestly, it makes you look a little silly. Before getting into a discussion, be sure to have everything you need and be ready for anything, but please...don't start drama and/or wank if something somebody said pisses you off. It's probably why this fandom is so volitile - nobody can agree or disagree without somebody getting pissed off and starts mouthing off, thusly causing drama.

I may be unaware to a good number of shit going down in this fandom, but I'm not stupid, either. Word gets around and that's how I know, though I'm sure there's a whole load more that I don't know about. Who knows, maybe there actually is some fantasy site out there where this fandom co-exists without the wank and drama...lovely wish, that.

...Have I gone in a circle? I feel like I have. ._.
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