
Jan 14, 2011 23:05

Yesterday and Today have been pretty busy...here's a summary of yesterday :

9AM Leave the house and walk to college
11AM walk home from college and go home
11:25AM walk back to college
1PM Walk back home again from college
1:35PM Walk back to college again
4PM Walk home from college
4/4:30PM Prepare , Cook , and eat dinner
5PM Walk down to local supermarket for a few bits
5:35 Exercise on ddr game and sit ups
6:10PM Ironing
7:30PM finally got to sit down and catch up on a soap
9PM Exercise on ddr game and sit ups
9:15PM Washing up and tidy kitchen , sorted out clothes washing and other bits and pieces around the house
Then brushed my teeth , had a shower , and think I got to bed about 10:30PM...

So yeah , was a busy day on a tight schedule xD
But most days are like this!!!

Today has been another busy day , but with a little more of a relaxed morning , well, before college - even when I had to phone a university to check if they'd received my portfolio. I got to college for 11AM and it was crappy Photography lesson...but I was a little behind on my textiles , so I spent about the first 10-20mins doing that , then went back to photography stuff afterwards. So I was busy photocopying , cutting and arranging for that , then the rest of the time I spent writing and recording my photo details from when I took them in the studio with the backdrop and studio lights...and also then had a bit of a mess around with some pictures of my mate on photoshop.

At 1pm I left photography class and started to walk home....got a text from my brother saying that he'd be round my house later as he was supposed to be staying for a night as he needed to be up and out early in the morning...I'd actually forgot about that. So I turned around and headed back into the main part of the college and into reception to pick up some course details and a prospectus for him in case he was serious about wanting to start college. I think It'd be great for him :)

After that , off again into the wet and windy outside and back home. I was at home long enough to eat my lunch , get an interview for uni, and have a quick chat to my sister on the phone when I heard a knock at the door....I thought , ah must be the postman back with that parcel (as when I got in there was one of those red and white note cards through the door saying I missed the delivery) but when I opened up the door , it was my mate Bry and she had walked all the way from college down to my house to see if I'd accidentally picked up her watch...so invited her in and turned everything out my bag , but had no luck in finding it.

We had a chat , went through some sketchbooks , and chatted some more then she had to go back.
I went to check the post after shutting the door and remembered something incredibly important I needed to do when opening a letter , and so having received the letter which was important and needed to be signed before me - meant a trip into Ryde - so quickly jumped out the front door and hoped that Bry hadn't walked too far up the road already....which she hadn't , but was far enough and still walking , so I grabbed my keys , leapt out the door and ran up the road after her - Must say , felt awesome to run again! -
I caught her up and told her about my letter and asked if she'd want to get a lift home as I was driving in that direction anyway....so she was happy about that , and I walked back up to college with her and we had a look for her watch.
I saw Jeff and had a chat and he was really happy about my interview for uni....however short notice it was! So next week hope to be going for an interview on the mainland :) Yay.
Bry and I left the art block and decided to scout around in places her watch may be , we re-traced previous steps of the day and headed into the cafeteria too. No luck , so we went to reception to see if anyone handed it in there....and what do you know , someone actually did. That was very nice of them :D
So we were all happy and walked back to my house in the rain - again - I didn't even have my coat as I jumped out my house so fast to catch her up...LOL.

I signed the paperwork and off we went...the car's engine was cold and stuttered at first, but then it got better as we went along :)
We had some interesting chat along the way , and I dropped her off at her house :)

I continued on my way into Ryde and found a parking space quite near where I needed to go....that was handy!
walked into the building , saw the lady , gave her my paperwork and off I went again.

When I got back to the car , I decided to call my brother and ask if he'd want me to pick him us since I was in that direction...but when I spoke to him , he said one of his mates would give him a lift into town tomorrow morning and didn't need to stay at mine. That's all good , but hope his mate doesn't let him down. I did tell him to call me if he couldn't get here in the morning as I know it's pretty early.

Drove up to Tesco after that and got a few bits and pieces and then decided to go back over the downs to Newport and hopefully avoid the busy traffic from the main roads , and I did. It was quite a pleasant drive home but many roads had flooded from the constant rain lately :(

When I got into Newport , I decided to swing by the post office sorting office to pick up the parcel I had missed earlier on in the day.

When I finally got home , I put my dinner in the oven , had to cook it for about three quarters of an hour so decided to do a bit of housework and prepare a nice fruit pudding with yogurt while that was cooking. I had originally planned to work on my commission artwork , but just didn't get around to it :(

After my lovely dinner , decided to catch up on a few e-mails and then pumped up a gym ball mum had given me. It rocks! Took me ages and the pump was so small - really took ages and ached my arms LOL. Then tested it afterwards and had some fun....think it is great for my back , as it felt so good to stretch it in different ways and release pain.
Also did some sit ups and various other stretches as trying to tone my tummy muscles a bit as ate too much over Christmas :/
Did the washing up after that , then burnt 300 calories off on the DDR game :)

By that time it was pretty late and so now I guess it's almost bedtime!!! Might have another cuppa first though!!!



college life, cup of tea, driving, art and design, washing up, solicitors, bryony, photography lesson, college, cuppa, watch, schedule, exercises, ryde, commission, tummy muscles, art, artwork, friends, sit ups, abs, washing, ddr, ironing

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