Spamming. Because I can, goddammit.

Jan 22, 2006 22:40

Damn. I am so stuck on this fic. It's maybe half-done, and I'm stalled out. Ah well. If I leave it alone, it'll either resolve itself or I'll give up and post what I've got as separate drabbles. Good luck, eh?

I spent an hour of my life I will never get back on this. I am such a dork. My apologies to Nami.

My mother called and told me how hectic her life was. After ten minutes, she asked me how I was doing, how work was. I lied and told her everything was fine. Damn, I'm a wuss. I'm too ashamed to tell her I'm getting laid off, even though I knew it was coming. Stupid. Oh well. I've got a degree, I live in the Biotech Corridor of the East Coast, and I've got some cash socked away. Hopefully, she won't need to know beyond "Hey, guess what, I got a new job."

On a related note, I've been working in the cosmetics industry for too long. I have to roll willpower to keep from walking up to people and telling them that that lipstick is so not their color/their foundation is too dark/they may wish to consider a different brand of mascara. I also notice people's eyelashes way too much now, and think of them in terms of "low separation, negative lift, good length--they need a mascara that curls with a separating brush." *pounds forehead into wall*

New icon. Watari has finally been dethroned as my default icon after more than a year (pushing two years, actually). All hail Usopp, for he is teh winz. And mettathron is teh winz for drawing him for me, especially considering that she hates drawing Usopp.

Cadbury Mini-Eggs should not come in 42-ounce packages.

Pinky-magenta-gold is so not my color, and it won't come off my goddamn cuticles. Arg. It looked so nice in the bottle...

It's raining in Baltimore, and I've been on a Counting Crows kick lately. Coincidence? I think not.

Heh. Voltaire. I'd forgotten how much I like his music.
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