I have GOT to start making updates longer than 140 characters.

Sep 06, 2010 03:54

Gah, two months between updates. Shame on me. Oh well, nothing really interesting happened. :P

~Not going to Y-con - can't afford it. May be doing one day at AnimeUSA.
~Started playing World of Warcraft - sadly, it's actually cheaper for me than F2P MMOs. I'm playing on Bloodhoof server if anyone wants to hang.
~Pathfinder funtimes - working on a gnome rogue with a focus in dungeoneering.
~Had excitement and adventure with my debit card being part of a "mass compromise," to quote my bank. New card get, still trying to remember what all I had attached to the old one.
~Have had a phenomenally quiet and actually rather depressing four-day weekend while everyone else is on vacation. This bodes ill for my birthday next month (which I'll also be spending alone while all my friends are off at Y-con). Ah well, twenty-seven's a sucky birthday anyway; it means you're officially in your late twenties.

My persistent fandom!fail is actually kind of self-perpetuating at this point. Part of me is afraid to get caught up on One Piece - I keep hearing rumblings, and I'm sort of at "DO NOT KNOW IF WANT" about this timeskip business. I want to trust Oda-sensei, but still... ;_; I might just wait until the verdicts are in on its fail (or lack thereof). Sticking my head in the sand much? >>;

rpgeekery, onepiece, warcraft, irl

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