101 ways I am lame.

Sep 20, 2007 07:48

I have a very old car, a '91 Honda accord, and as a result, no CD player. Which was fine, until the antenna broke, but now there's never anything to listen to in the car, and, well, I get bored.

So I stopped at Goodwill yesterday to see if they had any good CDs, and realized they have cassettes, as well. "Ah-HAH!" I thought, "I can listen to music again!"

I bought, and have been merrily bopping around the countryside listening to:

Best of John Williams
Hercules (soundtrack)
A Sega Genesis cartridge which does not, in fact, hold the Lion King soundtrack (Bummer!)
American Graffiti, the soundtrack
George Michaels Faith

But wait! you exclaim. You're the most culturally-impaired person on the planet, how do *you* know about George Michaels?

And I answer you: Like this.

I am lame.

real life

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