Comics reviews!

Aug 23, 2007 14:59

Birds of Prey: I am too busy being happy that my shop is finally getting in BoP for me to properly review this one. I am *also* too happy that Barda is gratuitously wandering around in her underwear. Why? Because it's *Barda*, and gratuitous underwear-wandering isn't sexy. It's just what she happens to be wearing at the time, and she *completely fails to notice* that it's her soul source of coverage. The *entire time*, she just happens to be wearing that. If she were wearing her armor, she'd just happen to be wearing that. It's just what's comfortable at the time.

God, I LOVE Barda!

Outsiders/Five of a kind:

Batman: Rex, you're good enough. As for you... *turns to the other person in the title of the comic* ...Are you Aquaman?

Aqua-whatever: You say that I am.

Batman: Not good enough.

Rex: ...You know you're being kind of a dick, right?


Green Arrow year one:

I'm not entirely sure why I'm still buying this. It is MADE of suck. It's just that two of my top three are in the arrow-clan, and another two of my top twenty... But there are NO moments like you get in Blue Beetle or Teen Titans or hell, even Robin, where you can flail and splutter with glee. There are, instead, many many moments when I flailed and spluttered with outrage. Take the following:

*Ollie gets hooked on opium. (SLKKGJ:LKJ SPEEDY!)
*Bad Lady's white catsuit makes her look naked, now with extra crotch-shadow! (SLBITHTCKT SEXISM!)
*Ollie sets fire to his boat. (SGKLJ:LKH STUPIDITY!)

And the list goes on. Overall? Made of suck.

And now...

Blue Beetle!

Now, given the cover, I should warn you I was cooing *before* I opened this book. Because it has Titans. But I was Not Disappointed by the inside! *is now smiling helplessly*

First page: guy in red jacked bumps Jaime. Me: Oooh! Is it is it is it?

Next page...

Red: Sorry about that.
Jaime: No prob, I was distracted. Jaime Reyes.
Red: ...huh.
Red: I'm Tim.


And since I run WILD RISK of re-typing the entire issue here, skipping to where Brenda gets fet up with Paco being all googly-eyed over the hotness of Megan, Cassie, and Kara.

Brenda: Oh, for--They're just out-of-state students! *muttered* From the state of ridiculously tall and gorgeous amazons with perfect skin. Alba-chusetts. West Jessicabiel-burg. Stupid Alba-chusetts.


And oh, I was *so* disappointed when they had to have the thing where they fight before becoming friends, but it was WORTH IT for the banter. Which is FEMINIST banter!

And then Lobo shows up.

Robin: Not to panic anybody, but-- No. Panic is actually the appropriate response here. We need to get this rocket into the air. NOW!

Brenda: Um... You guys know how to launch a rocket?

Kid Devil: *shrugs*

Robin: ORACLE! ...I need to Hijack the control systems of the Lone Star Launch facility.

Oracle: Five me five minutes.

Robin: And launch the rocket.

Oracle: ...Seven minutes.

And this is another of those "don't want to type it all" moments, because it keeps being awesome.

As to how they cleared out the control room...

Eddie: FLEE! FLEE FROM THIS PLACE OF GODLESS SCIENCE! ... You brought this one yourselves! By teaching EVOLUTION!

Me: *dies of love*

And then plot-y-type-stuff, before...

Miss Martian: Yay for the NEWTEE!

Robin: "Newbie." ...Batman said there was anti-Reach technology in that rocket. For what it's worth, he believes you about them.

Jaime: Why didn't he tell me?

Robin: He's not... good at sharing.

Me: *dies* *and again*

And then the invitation to hang out with the titans which fills me with squee, before Paco tells Jaime that if he does not take this invitation, he, Paco, will steal the armor and go himself. Seriously.

...You know what this means, right? Blue Beetle / Robin slash cannot be far behind! We already know Batman approves of Jaime, after all! *loves on them*


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