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olegriz February 26 2007, 21:22:51 UTC
Lucky you! (Though you do have to do all that reading for the class that sounds so interesting.


chibi_squirt February 27 2007, 04:54:13 UTC
Well, yes. Hence the subject line of the post.

*is ALREADY gearing up*


olegriz February 27 2007, 07:59:24 UTC
I actually made the comment when nothing was actually visible (and thought the absence of a paper made it worthwhile.) The actual assignment is entertaining (especially since its your assignment), though I suspect the smut is of a different sort from that which appears occasionally on this livejournal :))


chibi_squirt February 27 2007, 16:34:37 UTC
I suspect the smut is of a different sort from that which appears occasionally on this livejournal :))I suspect that's actually going to work as one of the main points of my argument: How is word-porn not porn? (Rhetorical.) Since it is porn, is it exploitative of women? Answer: another question. How can it be exploitative of women when it's primarily marketed *to* women, written *by* women, and prominently *features* women, which is a hell of a lot better than any other genre of literature, by the way. (Side note: can porn be literature, and vice versa?) Since I don't think it can be exploitative if it's by, for, and about the people it's supposed to be exploiting, I'm going to say no, it isn't exploitative ( ... )


olegriz February 27 2007, 17:48:04 UTC
I agree with you about the problems related to the current porn industry, but wonder if they are somewhat inherent to porn involving real people. After all, if women ran the porn industry, I would assume that at least some of the output would be similar in style and content to slash fiction, and issues would certainly arise with coercion of the male actors into acts they feel uncomfortable with, just as this occurs with women in today's industry. Also, I think the exploitation issue came up even before the advent of video and the Internet when porn was much more expensive to produce and distribute.

In your last point, I'm not sure I agree that there's nothing wrong with women focusing on faceless ideals to get orgasms. I think in some ways there may be something inherently wrong in the use of a faceless ideal. However, on the substantive point, it is no more wrong for a women to focus on a faceless ideal than it would be for a man to do so.


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