(no subject)

Feb 16, 2007 22:35

So, I went to go see The Persians, the oldest surviving drama in the western half of the world, possibly in the whole damn thing. It's a tragedy about when the Persians made war on Athens, and, uh... Lost. Kind of a lot.

It was amazing. The set was fairly spare, the cast small, the costumes fairly basic. They stuck to the spirit of the thing, and as a result, the spirit showed through. I was gripped with a lot more horror than many modern war movies have instilled in me; pity, terror, fear... all those basic, tragic emotions came through beautifully in this poetic translation of the ancient Greek text. It was just... wow. Really wow. Wow.


In other news, Monday is apparently "Spunky Old Broads" day. As a spunky young broad, I am tempted to dress up for the occasion.

real life

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