That's cool that you want to add me to your friends list, but there are some minor rules to this livejournal. I know rules really suck, but I just have to make some up so it looks like I know what I'm doing when I really don't.
Care to name the things that we have in common in your post?
It would be better if you would know what I am talking about in my entries rather than just wanted to have a whole lot of friends. I may talk about video games, anime or Disney shows for no apparent reason. Read my likes and dislikes to see if we have anything in common.
Have you seen me about the place?
If you have spotted me making a fool of myself in a community or another person's livejournal, then please tell me in your comment or something.
Don't forget to comment once in a while!
When you add me, I'll reply saying that I added you back or I didn't. Don't take it personally if I didn't. Once in a while, it would be awesome if you would comment on some of my entries or vote in my polls. I get really sad when people don't comment. Also, I'll remember to comment in your journal too!
The right to remove you off of my friends list!
This usually happens when you don't follow the rules or we have nothing in common anymore. Sometimes when people ask in my entries to friend me, I don't know what to say so I just friend them. Then again, I don't want to be an idiot by telling them to take me off of their friends list, but oh well. I have to do that sometimes.