Title: The Ring - Chapter Six
Author: Samantha
Rating: Now R for mentions of sex, eventually NC-17
Summery: When Toma steals Kazuya's ring - that supposobly leads one to his true love - it gets in the hands, of Kazuya's enemy Akanishi Jin. This Chapter - Party! At Jun's!
Pairings: Akame, Tomapi, RyoUchi, Tackey/Tsubasa, Maruda, mentions of Ohmiya?
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Comments 27
"the short, cute, driver jumped down from the carriage seat and grinned the man out of the way."
For some reason the above line had me burst out laughing!It was just sooo..Tegoshi!Thanks!
But damn, I was so looking forward to some Kame - Jin action and now I'm all the more excited to read the next chapter >.<
Please update soon :D
I love your story
I'm quite excited to know Kame's reaction when he sees Jin in that party. I like the fact that he did admit to Ryo that he kissed Jin. Besides I liked his thoughts about Jin's kiss.
So Uchi knows Ryo but Ryo doesn't recognize him? hmm... I wonder why.
So weird that Uchi knows Ryo but Ryo doesn't know Uchi.
Uchi's an alcholic? I wonder will Ryo cure him of his habit *winks*
I can't wait to read the next chapter.
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